Process Exception Messages (cprao1220m000)

Use this session to define criteria to process the signals that LN generated during order-based planning, and for which you selected the Auto Process check box in the Signal Types - by Planner (cprao1110m000) session.

The exception messages can be of the following type:

  • Cancel Order
  • Reschedule In
  • Reschedule Out

When LN processes the exception messages mentioned before, depending on the exception message, planned orders are cancelled or rescheduled.

When LN autoprocesses a Cancel Order exception message, LN deletes the corresponding order automatically for orders that are entirely cancelled. In case of a Reschedule In exception message or a Reschedule Out exception message, LN automatically reschedules the ordered quantity (partly) to the date that the exception message advises.


Define the first of a range of scenarios for which LN must process the cancellation or rescheduling exception messages.
Define the last of a range of scenarios for which LN must process the cancellation or rescheduling exception messages.
Planner ID
Define the first of a range of planners for which LN must process the cancellation or rescheduling exception messages.
Planner ID
Define the last of a range of planners for which LN must process the cancellation or rescheduling exception messages.
From Plan Item
Define the first of a range of plan items for which LN must process the cancellation or rescheduling exception messages.
To Plan Item
Define the last of a range of plan items for which LN must process the cancellation or rescheduling exception messages.
Skip Changed Item
If this check box is selected, LN does not process the Reschedule In, Reschedule Out, and Cancel Order exception messages of the items whose situation has changed since the last simulation run. For more information, refer to Net-change simulations.
Update Exception Messages
If this check box is selected, LN updates the planning exception messages in the sessions of the Resource Analysis and Optimization module that are influenced when LN processes the cancellation and/or rescheduling exception messages.

If this check box is cleared, LN does not update the influenced exception messages.


The Update Signals check box does not impact the cancellation and the rescheduling exception messages themselves, which always remain visible in the Planner/Item Signals (cprao1125m000) session.


Click to process the exception messages for the selected criteria.