Exception Messages by Resource (cprao1130m000)

Use this session to analyze exception message that LN generated for a specific resource.

On the View menu, you can select several sort options.

Select the Accept check box to accept a exception message. Once you accepted exception messages, you can select Show/Hide Accepted Exception Messages on the appropriate menu to hide or display the accepted exception messages, so that you can focus on the remaining exception messages.

On the appropriate menu the following options exist to respond to the exception messages:

  • Item Order Plan: to go to the Item Order Plan (cprrp0520m000) session to get a time-phased overview of an item's order plan.
  • Planned Order: to go to the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) details session, to see the order details of the related planned production order for the exception message that you highlighted.
  • Resource Master Plan: to go to the Resource Master Plan (cprmp3501m000) session to see the capacity details of the specified resource.
  • Capacity Use by Planned Order: to go the Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000) session, in which you can see which orders use a specific resource.
  • Update Signals: to start the Update Signals (cprao1210m000) session, which you can use when you made adjustments to the data on which the exception messages are based. If you do so, LN retains the accepted exception messages, so that you do not lose the information that the exception messages in question have been accepted.
  • View Tree Structure: LN presents the resource exception messages in a tree structure, of which each branch lists the exception messages for a specific resource that is used in the specified scenario and on the specified plan level.


The scenario for which LN displays the exception messages for the specified resource.

Plan Level
The plan level of the items for which LN displays the resource exception messages.
The priority of the exception message. You can use this priority, for example, to display the exception messages in order of importance.

The exception message priority is expressed as a number between one (highest priority) and 100 (lowest priority).

You can enter the default priority for a exception message type in the Signal Types - by Planner (cprao1110m000) session.

If you select this check box, you can indicate that you want to further analyze it. If you have accepted a exception message, but no longer want to analyze it, you can indicate this by clearing the check box.

You can choose the Show/Hide Accepted Signals command on the appropriate menu to hide accepted exception messages, so that you can focus on the remaining exception messages. The Accept check box indicates whether the display of accepted exception messages is currently on or off.

Exception Message
The exception message that LN generated for the specified resource.
If this check box is selected, a text is present.

You can create a text, if you highlight a specific exception message, and click the Text Editor icon on the toolbar.

Related topics

The resource for which LN generated the exception message.
Reference Date
The start date of the plan period to which the exception message refers.
The meaning of this field depends on the exception message type.
  • Overloaded Resource: the capacity overload
  • Workload < Norm: the amount by which the capacity is below the workload norm
  • Workload > Norm: the amount by which the capacity exceeds the workload norm
  • Resource CTP < Zero: the negative capacity CTP (see the Cumulative Capacity CTP field in the Resource Master Plan (cprmp3501m000) session).
Exception Message Date
The date on which LN generated the exception message.