Distribution planning

Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) balances the requirements in the distribution channels with supply by using planned distribution orders. You can plan distribution in these directions:

  • From nonclustered plan item to clustered plan item
  • From clustered plan item to nonclustered plan item
  • Between clustered plan items

You set up the distribution relationships in the Supplying Relationships (cprpd7130m000) session. Various business cases are supported.

Example 1: DRP from central to decentralized warehouses

The regional distribution centers perform the sales order acceptance. The netted requirements that originate from these sales orders are aggregated to the central production site. The production site then replenishes the regional distribution centers. Although clusters are not used in sales orders, the item/warehouse combination of the sales order line is traced to the correct cluster in Enterprise Planning.

Example 2: Multilevel DRP from central to decentralized warehouses

The local sales offices perform the sales order acceptance. The planning process aggregates the requirements through the distribution channel to the central production site. If necessary, the production site replenishes the regional distribution centers. Subsequently, these regional distribution centers replenish the local sales offices.