To enable planning by item and warehouse

A cluster is a group of one or more warehouses in a particular geographical area. You can plan an item by cluster (geographical area).

To enable this, you can set up multiple plan items for one item. You always define one plan item without a cluster indication and multiple plan items with a cluster indication. From now on, a plan item with a cluster will be called a clustered plan item, and the plan item without cluster will be called the nonclustered plan item.


You can set up distribution relationships between the clustered and nonclustered plan items. This setup supports distribution requirements planning (DRP) in Enterprise Planning on individual warehouses as well as on a more aggregated level, such as a group of warehouses in one cluster.

To perform DRP on planning level, you must use clusters. You can define distribution relationships in all directions, even from a clustered item to the nonclustered item.