Channel ATP

You can use channel ATP to constrain an item's sales volume for a particular channel.

This function has two purposes:

  • Assure that important customers are at least delivered a certain amount, by restricting the allowed demand of other channels.
  • Assure that certain channels are not supplied with more than a certain maximum quantity.

If you primarily use channels for channel ATP, you do not necessarily have to group all your customers into channels. Only those customers for which you want to limit the maximum sales volume must be in a channel.

Required data

To use channel ATP, you must provide the following data:

As a rule, a channel ATP period consists of several plan periods. The allowed demand is specified by plan period. The total value of the allowed demand in one channel ATP period is the basis for the channel ATP. For more information, see Channel ATP periods.

Channel ATP checks

During a CTP check for an item, LN can also carry out a channel ATP check. In this case, the quantity that can be promised to a customer is the smaller of the following quantities:

  • The result of the normal CTP check.
  • The result of the channel ATP check.

Channel ATP checks are carried out for items for which the Channel ATP check box in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session is selected. In the ATP Handling (cprrp4800m000) session, you can temporarily disable the channel ATP check.


If the Delivery Schedule based on Warehouse Calendar check box in the EP Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session is selected, channel ATP checks can give incorrect results.

A quantity of channel ATP is only valid for a specific period. LN cannot transfer unconsumed channel ATP to the next period. If you select the Delivery Schedule based on Warehouse Calendar check box, LN may shift the planned delivery date to a future period that has insufficient channel ATP.

Updating channel ATP

The channel ATP can be updated in two ways:

  • Offline: the channel ATP is recomputed when LN updates the channel master plan.
  • Online: LN automatically updates the channel ATP as soon as a customer order is accepted. See: Online ATP update.