Types of exception messages

There are several exception message types that apply to different parts of the manufacturing process.

The following categories of exception message types exist:

  • Inventory and demand exception messages
  • Order exception message
  • Pegging exception message
  • Resource exception message
  • Error exception message

Resource exception messages are stored and retrieved per resource. You can view and print resource exception messages in the Exception Messages by Resource (cprao1130m000) and Print Exception Messages by Resource (cprao1430m000) sessions.

All other exception messages are item exception messages: which are stored and retrieved per item. You can view and print item exception messages in the Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000) and Print Signals by Item/Planner (cprao1425m000) sessions.

Some types of item exception messages do not refer to a specific item. For these exception messages the Item field remains empty. This applies to the following error exception message types:

  • Fatal Error
  • No Items for Plan Unit

The following item exception messages can also be generated for channels:

  • Actual Demand Late
  • Forecast <> Actual Demand
  • No Demand (Master Plan)

Item and resource exception messages are generated when you:

Only resource exception messages are generated when you:

When you update your item exception messages in the Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000) session, only new item exception messages are generated. Some types of item exception messages are also generated when you run the Convert Master Plan to Planned Orders (cprmp2240m000) session.

Master planning and order planning differ when it comes to the exception messages generated:

  • Order exception messages are primarily generated in order planning.
  • Demand exception messages are usually generated in master planning.
  • Inventory exception messages are created in both types of planning.

When planned orders are generated or updated, LN checks whether an item master plan exists. Running the Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000) session can generate item exception messages typically belonging to order planning, but can also produce item exception messages which are usually confined to master planning, such as demand exception messages.