Workload-based order transfer

It is often undesirable to have a large number of production orders waiting for execution. LN allows you to avoid that situation by transferring no more production orders to a resource when the workload of this resource reaches a certain workload norm.

You can also increase the workload for a specific resource that has too little work to do.

Define the workload norm and the workload tolerance in the Resource (cprpd2100m000) session.

You can now use the workload of the resource as a criterion for the transfer process in the Transfer Planned Orders (cppat1210m000) session.

If the total workload exceeds the workload norm, LN selects the production orders to be transferred on the basis of the Priority Rule field.


If you select the planned orders interactively, you can immediately see the change in workload when you add a production order to the selection.