Invoices (cisli3105m000)

Use this session to view invoices.

You can change the invoice date of a line with status Composed to the current date or to another date in the past. All amounts will be recalculated based on the currency and tax rates of the new invoice date.


The fields on the Variable Composing Criteria tab are only filled if, in the Invoicing Methods (tcmcs0155s000) session, the corresponding Combine check box is cleared.


The code that identifies the contract.
Contract Line
The contract line number.
Invoice Data
Invoice Number
The financial company in which the invoice exists.
Invoice Number
The transaction type of the sales invoice.

If this field is empty, the original invoice has not yet been printed and the invoice is identified by a temporary sequence number.

Invoice Number
The invoice document number.

If the invoice status is not Printed or Posted, this field displays the temporary invoice sequence number.

Sales Invoice Company
The financial company in which the sales invoice was generated.
Invoice Status
Invoice Data
Billing Request
The billing request to which the invoice belongs.
An incremental payment method used to spread invoice payments over a period of time. Installments enable you to send invoices for a sales order before or after the ordered goods are actually delivered.
Invoice Date
The date and time when the invoice was created.

If the status of the line is Composed, you can change the invoice date to the current date or to another date in the past, as required.

Risk Transfer Date
The date when the risk of loss or damage to the goods passes from the seller to the buyer. Unless agreed upon otherwise between both parties, the risk transfer date matches the invoice date.

The risk transfer date is required for revenue recognition in compliance with IFRS (IAS 18.14).


The number of days that this date can be shifted either forward or backward compared to the invoice date, depends on the Risk Transfer Time Fence setting in the Sales Invoicing Parameters (cisli0100m000) session.

Blocked for Posting
If this check box is selected, the invoice line cannot be posted to the General Ledger.
Customer Invoice
The invoice number used by the customer. This number is used in the Composing Reference field in the Billable Lines (cisli8110m000) session.
Due Date
In LN, the date that a payment or receipt is required.
Net Amount
The net amount in the invoice currency.
The net amount in the home currency.
Home Currency
One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

Tax Amount
The tax amount in the invoice currency.
The currency in which the invoice amount is expressed.
Tax Amount
The tax amount in the home currency.
Late Payment Surcharge
The late-payment surcharge amount in the invoice currency.
Late Payment Surcharge
The late-payment surcharge amount in the home currency.
LPS Date
The date of the late payment surcharge that applies to the invoice.
First Invoice Discount
The discount amount that applies to the first invoice.
First Discount Amount in Home Currency
The discount amount that applies to the first invoice expressed in the home currency.
First Discount Date
The date of the first invoice discount.
Second Invoice Discount
The discount amount that applies to the second invoice.
Second Discount Amount in Home Currency
The discount amount that applies to the second invoice expressed in the home currency.
Second Discount Date
The date of the second invoice discount.
Third Invoice Discount
The discount amount that applies to the third invoice.
Third Discount Amount in Home Currency
The discount amount that applies to the third invoice expressed in the home currency.
Third Discount Date
The date of the third invoice discount.
Rounding Difference Amount
The rounding difference of the invoice, in the home currency.

Related topics

Rounding Difference Amount
The rounding difference of the invoice, in the home currency.

Related topics

Invoiced Installments
The amount of installments that were already invoiced.
To be Invoiced Installments
The amount of installments that must be invoiced.
Advance Amount Already Invoiced
The advance amount already invoiced.
Overpaid Amount
The overpaid amount in the invoice currency.
The invoice amount in the invoice currency.

Related topics

The invoice amount in the home currency.
Fixed Composing Criteria
Fixed Composing Criteria
Invoice-to Business Partner
The business partner to which you send invoices. This usually represents a customer's accounts payable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about the customer's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-by business partner.
Invoice-to Address
The address to which the invoice is sent.
Document Type
The document type.
Financial Department
The financial department of the order.
Pay-by Business Partner
The pay-by business partner of the invoice.
Original Pay-by Business Partner
If the invoice was factored, this is the original pay-by business partner.
Pay-from Address
The address of the pay-by business partner.
Payment Terms
Agreements about the way in which invoices are paid.

The payment terms include:

  • The period within which invoices must be paid.
  • The discount granted if an invoice is paid within a given period

The payment terms allow you to calculate:

  • The date on which the payment is due
  • The date on which the discount periods expire
  • The discount amount
Late Payment Surcharge
The percentage that is charged over the goods amount or over rendered services that the recipient of the invoice must pay if the invoice is not paid within a specified period.
Payment Method
The method used to create a payment (purchase invoice) or a receipt (sales invoice).

The payment method defines details such as:

  • The maximum amount
  • The due date
  • Allowance of foreign currencies and other details which must be printed on the report

These are default values that you can change on the order or on the invoice.

Invoicing Method
A set of parameters that defines, among other things, the types of orders and orders lines that can be combined on an invoice, and the type of invoice to be generated and the costs to be aggregated on Project invoices and Service invoices. You can define different invoicing methods for your invoice-to business partners.
Invoice Delivery Method
A user-definable way to categorize invoices by their delivery method. LN prints invoices grouped by the invoice delivery method. Per invoice delivery method, LN sorts and prints the invoices within each ZIP/postal code by address.

You can select a default invoice delivery method for each invoice-to business partner.

Sales Type
The sales type of the sales order.
Tax Country
The country in which the tax must be paid and/or reported. The tax country can be different from the country where the goods are issued or delivered.
BP Tax Country
The country in which the business partner must pay tax.
Tax Period
A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).
Approval Date
The date that the invoice was approved.
Composing Reference
Technical field used for combining multiple lines.
Invoice Number
The transaction type of the sales invoice.

If this field is empty, the original invoice has not yet been printed and the invoice is identified by a temporary sequence number.

Related Invoice Number
The financial company from which the related invoice originates.
Transaction Type
The transaction type of the related invoice.
The document number of the related invoice.
The invoice sequence number.
Fixed Composing Criteria
Link to Monthly Billing Invoice
If this check box is selected, LN includes the invoice in a monthly billing invoice.

If the Send Monthly Billing Invoice check box in the Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000) session is selected, this check box is selected by default.

Asset Disposal
If this check box is selected, the invoice is related to the disposal of an asset.
If this check box is selected, the invoice applies to trade of type Direct Delivery or External Material Delivery.
Intercompany Sales Order
If this check box is selected, the invoice applies to an intercompany settlement transaction.
Advance Receipt Request
If this check box is selected, the invoice applies to an advance receipt request (ARR).
Rate Determiner
The method to decide which date is used to determine the exchange rates.

During the composing process, all amounts in foreign currencies are converted to the home currency, based on the determined exchange rate.

The currency exchange rate used to convert the invoice currency to the home currency.
Rate Factor
The factor by which the amount in the transaction currency or the invoice currency is divided before LN converts it to a home currency. A rate factor is often used for currencies that have a relatively low price, for example, Korean Won.
Rate Date
The currency rates valid on this date apply to the invoice line.
Exchange Rate Type
The exchange rate type that applies to the invoice.
Dimension Code 1 - 12
Analysis account for ledger accounts to get a vertical view on ledger accounts. Dimensions are used to specify ledger account information.
If this check box is selected, self-billing applies.
Receive Invoice
If this check box is selected, self-billed invoices are electronically received and its data is automatically entered in the self-billed invoice tables.
Bank Account Code
A record of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a particular item, person, or concern. The bank account is identified by a number.

LN can be set to check bank account numbers when you enter them. If the account number does not pass the check, LN displays a warning message.

Variable Composing Criteria
Tax Code
The department associated with the invoice.
Sales Representative
The sales representative dealing with the invoice.
Manual Sales
The manual sales invoice number.
Line of Business
The line of business of the business partner.
The area of the business partner.
Positive Amount
The value displayed depends on the Positive and Negative Order Lines setting in the Invoicing Methods (tcmcs0155s000) session.
SettingDisplayed Value
ClearedYes for positive amounts
ClearedNo for negative amounts
SelectedNot applicable


Delivery Note
A transport document that provides information on a consignment contained in one truck (or other vehicle) and refers to an order or a set of orders for one consignee at a delivery address. If the truck load contains shipments for various business partners, the load includes more than one delivery note. The information on a delivery note includes the delivery date and address, the customer's name, the contents of the consignment, and so on. In Italy, a delivery note is a legally required document, where it used to be called BAM (Bolla Accompagnamento Merci). Currently it is called DDT (Documento di Trasporto). In Portugal and Spain delivery notes are also used, but there they do not have the same legal status as in Italy.
Update Tax Register
If you use a tax provider and this check box is selected, the data in the tax register for the tax provider interface has been updated.
Sold-to Business Partner
The sold-to business partner of the sales order.
Sold-to Address
The address of the sold-to business partner of the sales orders.
Ship-to Business Partner
The business partner to which you ship the ordered goods. This usually represents a customer's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse from which you send the goods, the carrier who carries out the transport, and the related sold-to business partner.
Ship-to Address
The ship-to address.
The project code.
Project Document
An additional text for the project invoice.
Sales Order
The sales order number.
Sales Order Type
The sales order type of the sales order.
Purchase Order
The order that indicates which items are delivered by a buy-from business partner according to certain terms and conditions.

A purchase order contains:

  • A header with general order data, buy-from business partner data, payment terms, and delivery terms
  • One or more order lines with more detailed information about the actual items to be delivered
Purchase Order Type
The order type determines which sessions are part of the order procedure and how and in which sequence this procedure is executed.
Warehouse Order
An order for handling goods in the warehouse.

A warehouse order can be of the following inventory-transaction types:

  • Receipt
  • Issue
  • Transfer
  • WIP Transfer

Each order has an origin and contains all the information required for warehouse handling. Depending on the item (lot or non-lot) and warehouse (with or without locations), lots and/or locations can be assigned. The order follows a predefined warehousing procedure.


In Manufacturing a warehousing order is often called a warehouse order.

Warehouse Order Type
A code that identifies the type of a warehousing order. The default warehousing procedure that you link to a warehousing order type determines how the warehousing orders to which the order type is allocated are processed in the warehouse, although you can modify the default procedure for individual warehousing orders or order lines.
All goods that are transported to a specific address on a specific date and time by using a specific route. An identifiable part of a load.
Service Order
Orders that are used to plan, carry out, and control all repair and maintenance on configurations as present on customer sites or as present with the company.
Service Order Type
The service classification that service providers offer. The service type determines which availability type applies to a service order header, and provides a default order procedure and coverage type.
Service Order Installation
An Installation group of items that share the same location or customer.

For example, a configuration could consist of all items that are controlled for a specific customer, or all items that are in the same location.

Grouping items into a configuration enables you to maintain them collectively.

Maintenance Sales Order
Orders that are used to plan, carry out, and control the maintenance on customer-owned components, products and the logistic handling of spare parts.
MSO Type
The service classification that service providers offer. The service type determines which availability type applies to a service order header, and provides a default order procedure and coverage type.
MSO Installation
An Installation group of items that share the same location or customer.

For example, a configuration could consist of all items that are controlled for a specific customer, or all items that are in the same location.

Grouping items into a configuration enables you to maintain them collectively.

Service Call
A question, complaint, or malfunction that is communicated to the party responsible for the service or maintenance of the item concerned.
Service Call Installation
An Installation group of items that share the same location or customer.

For example, a configuration could consist of all items that are controlled for a specific customer, or all items that are in the same location.

Grouping items into a configuration enables you to maintain them collectively.

Service Contract
The service contract to which the invoice refers.
Contract Type
Order Number
Sales Order
The sales order to which the rebate order is linked.
EDI or Print Invoice
Indicates whether the invoice was sent through electronic data interchange (EDI) or printed.
Bank Reference
If you use bank reference numbers, this is the bank reference number of the invoice.
Payment Slip Reference Number


Starts the Invoices (cisli3105m000) session.
Invoice - Lines
Starts the Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000) session.
Set Invoice Date to Current Date
Changes the invoice date to the current date. All amounts are recalculated based on the currency and tax rates of the new invoice date.

Note: This command is only available if the status of the invoice line is Composed.

Undo Compose
Changes the status from Composed to On Hold.
Undo Compose and Delete
Cancels the composition of the invoice, and then removes the invoicing data.
Invoicing Method
Starts the Invoicing Methods (tcmcs0155s000) session.
View Open Entries
Starts the applicable open entries session.
Starts the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.
Reprint Invoices
Starts the Reprint Invoices (cisli2405m000) session.
Print Invoice - Source Relations
Starts the Print Invoice - Source Relations (cisli2406m000) session.
Print Invoices by Risk Transfer Date
Starts the Print Invoices by Risk Transfer Date (cisli2411m000) session.
Direct Process
Starts the Compose/Print/Post Invoices (cisli2200m000) session.
Direct Print
Starts the Print Invoices (cisli2400m000) session.
Direct Post
Starts the Post Invoices (cisli3200m000) session.