Reprint Invoices (cisli2405m000)

Use this session to reprint invoices that have the Printed status.

Related topics


Sales Invoice Company
The code of the financial company in which the sales invoice is generated.
The name of the financial company.
Reprint Options
Reprint Option
Specify your selection method.
  • Select by Billing Request
    If this check box is selected, you can specify a range of billing requests.
  • Select by Invoice
    If this check box is selected, you can specify a range of invoices.
  • Select by Contract
    If this check box is selected, you can specify a range of contracts.
Invoice Delivery Method
If this check box is selected, LN prints the invoices sorted by invoice delivery method.
Print Euro
If this check box is selected, amounts in EMU currencies are printed in euros.

For more information, refer to Print euros.

Print Original Invoice of Credit Note
If this check box is selected, LN also reprints the original invoice when you print/ reprint the credit note to which original invoice is linked. In case a credit note is linked to the original invoice, the original invoice line is printed as line details.

LN does not allow you to modify the invoice after the final/ original invoice is printed.

Printing Sequence
The printing sequence for the invoices.
Print Language
The language in which you reprint the invoice.