
Rebates are created as rebate sales orders in the Commissions and Rebates module of Sales. The rebate amounts are based on the rebate agreements that you defined for the sold-to business partner and the rebate relation in the Rebate Agreements (tdcms1130m000) session.

In the Release Commissions/Rebates to Invoicing (tdcms2201m000) session, the rebate orders are passed on to Invoicing. The rebate order lines have the Confirmed status.

Depending on the transaction type used, a rebate invoice consist of:

  • A sales invoice with a negative amount.
  • A credit note.

You can specify the tax code that applies to the rebates of a specific relation in the Relations (tdcms0110s000) session. The tax code of the rebate must be linked to the relation's country in the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session.

After processing in Invoicing, the rebates are sent to the customers in the form of sales invoices or credit notes, and posted to Financials as open entries in the Accounts Receivable module.

Financial postings for rebates

When the rebate order is passed from Sales to Invoicing, LN creates the Sales Order / Rebate integration transaction.

When the rebate invoice is posted to Financials, LN creates the following financial postings:

  • Debit: Customer Control Account
  • Credit: Interim Revenues - Sales Order Rebates

LN retrieves the control account from the financial business partner group, based on the sales type of the rebate line.