Composing criteria

Composing criteria define whether invoice lines can be grouped on an invoice. For example, invoice lines with different invoice-to addresses or different invoice currencies cannot be grouped on one invoice. In addition, to support dimension accounting, invoice lines that must be posted to different dimensions cannot be grouped on one invoice.

Two types of composing criteria exist:

  • Fixed general criteria
    Predefined general composing criteria that always apply to all types of invoices.
  • Specific criteria
    Specific criteria that apply to specific types of invoicing data. For example, a composing criterion for project invoices can be the project, and for service invoices, the service contract. You can define the composing criteria for various types of invoices in the invoicing method that you define in the Invoicing Methods (tcmcs0155s000) session.
  • If you use monthly billing invoices and you selected the Receipts Against Shipments check box in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session, sales and warehouse order invoice lines cannot be composed on an invoice. LN generates a separate invoice for every shipment. For more information, refer to Monthly billing invoices.
  • For credit notes, the Operational Company is an important criterion. The operational company is the financial company in which the original invoice was created. LN can only compose credit notes with invoices that have the same operational company.

Fixed general criteria

  • Financial Company
  • Dimensions
  • Transaction Type
  • Operational Company
  • Sold-to Business Partner
  • Invoice-to Business Partner
  • Invoicing Method
  • Pay-by Business Partner
  • Ship-to Business Partner
  • Ship-to Address
  • Invoice-to Address
  • Pay-by Address
  • Invoice Currency
  • Payment Terms
  • Late Payment Surcharge
  • Invoice Delivery Method
  • Payment Method
  • Tax Country
  • Business Partner Tax Country
  • Rate Determiner
  • The Link to Monthly Billing Invoice option of the sales invoice.