Capture GPD Shipment Header LR Information (whinh9145m00l)

Use this session to manually enter the information required to be printed on the excise invoice for the shipment. To start this session, select Capture GPD Shipment Header LR Information from the appropriate menu in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session. Use the GPD Shipment Line LR Information (whinh9146m00l) session, to enter the details of lorry and quantity loaded for each shipment line.


GST Reference Number
The GSTN reference number of the business partner or financial company.
The shipment ID. The value is defaulted from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.
Dispatch Destination
The address of the customer to where the goods must be shipped.
Reason for Removal
The code of the reason.
Reason for Removal
The reason for removing goods from the warehouse.
Total No. of Packages
The total number of packages loaded.
Remark I
The text or comments printed on the excise invoice.
Remark II
The text or comments printed on the excise invoice.
The status of the shipment order. By default, the check box is selected for the approved Goods Passout Documents.
LR Number
The lorry receipt number.
LR Date
The date on which the truck is loaded.
Lorry Number
The lorry or truck number.
Number of Packages Per Line
The total number of packages for each shipment line.


GPD Shipment Line LR Information
Starts the GPD Shipment Line LR Information (whinh9146m00l) session, where you can enter the details of lorry and the quantity loaded on lorry for each the shipment line.
Approves the GPD shipment information.
Rejects the approved GPD shipment information.
Print Capture Shipment Goods Pass Out Document Information
Starts the Print Capture Shipment Goods Pass Out Document Information (whinh9445m00l) session to print the details of the Goods pass out document.