Shipping Sequence (whinh4520m000)

Use this session to view the shipping sequence data for each shipment reference. This data informs you about the sequence in which the ship-to business partner needs the items on the assembly line.

*info Releasing sequence shipping schedules to Warehousing

*info If a sales schedule line of the Sequence Shipping Schedule type is created, sequence shipping information is created in the Sequence Shipping Information (tdsls3517m000) session. In this session, ERP LN keeps track of the sequence shipping information revisions. After the sales schedule line is released to Warehouse Management, ERP LN also creates sequence shipping data in the Shipping Sequence (whinh4520m000) session of Warehouse Management. In this session, only the latest revision of the shipping sequence information is filed. The shipping sequence information informs you about the sequence in which your ship-to business partner needs the items on the assembly line. Therefore, you must ship the goods in the sequence that is specified in the Shipping Sequence (whinh4520m000) session. The shipping sequence data is used to create shipments and shipment lines. ERP LN creates a shipment for each shipment reference. Each shipping sequence results in a shipment line.


You can view the shipping sequence for the selected shipment based on sort options:

  • Shipment, Job Sequence, Shipment Line, Sales Schedule Line
  • Shipment, Shipment Line, Sales Schedule Line

When a sales schedule is generated, LN records the shipping sequence data in the current session.

The shipping sequence data is used to create shipments and shipment lines. LN creates a shipment for each shipment reference. Each shipping sequence results in a shipment line.


Order Line
The order from which the call-off results.
Shipping Sequence Detail
The sequence number identifying the shipping sequence details.
Shipment Reference
Identification of a group of items that is called-off at the same time.
In LN, the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)
Order Quantity
The number of items ordered for the call-off sequence line.
Inventory Unit
The inventory unit in which the ordered quantity of the item is expressed.
Assembly Kit
The assembly kit to which the items belong, that are called off.

Related topics

Parent Serial Number
The serial number of the item for which the item is called off.

For example, if the item is an assembly part of a car, the parent serial number is the serial number of the car.

Order Line
The order line from which the call-off results.
The order line sequence from which the call-off results.
The shipment number for which shipping sequence is defined.

In case of partial deliveries, the shipment number of the subsequent shipment overwrites the shipment number of the preceding shipments in the Shipping Sequence (whinh4520m000) session.

Shipment Line
The shipment line number for which shipping sequence is defined.

In case of partial deliveries, the shipment number of the subsequent shipment overwrites the shipment number of the preceding shipments in the Shipping Sequence (whinh4520m000) session.

Job Sequence
The sequence number of the job for which the goods are required.
Line Station
The line station to which the items must be delivered.
Quantity Shipped
The quantity that is actually shipped.
Quantity Staged
The quantity for which a shipment line is available.
Planned Delivery Date
The date for which delivery of a shipment is planned.
Planned Receipt Date
The date on which the goods are expected to arrive in the destination warehouse.
Ship-to Business Partner
The business partner to which you ship the ordered goods. This usually represents a customer's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse from which you send the goods, the carrier who carries out the transport, and the related sold-to business partner.