Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000)

Use this session to maintain and display the estimate lines. The columns that are maintained in this session are available based on the settings in the User Profiles (tppdm0101s000) session.


Even if fields are not displayed in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session, the hidden fields are filled with defaults or calculation results.

Menu options

Only the menu options that require an explanation are described here.

On the File menu, click Send To. If you installed the published templates, you will find Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel templates in this box.

LN offers the following example templates:

  • Estimate-Line.xlt: calculates all field values of estimate lines.
  • Quantity-Calculations.xlt: calculates quantity.
  • Amounts.xlt: considers surcharge, escalation, and contingency amounts.
  • CostPrice-Calculation.xlt: calculates cost price.
  • SalesPrice-Calculation-Mark Up.xlt: calculates sales prices and markup.
  • SalesPrice-Calculation-Target.xlt: calculates sales prices with target pricing.

On the appropriate menu, click Compute Prices. Calculates the cost or sales price of a line.

On the View menu, click Sort by Project, Version, Estimating type, Sorting Structure. If the number of estimate lines requires sorting for a better overview, you can use the Sort By function. The actual sort structure is defined in the Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000) session and is one of the additional structures.

On the appropriate menu, click Modify Utilities. This option contains several utilities. You can renumber the lines, change the line status, change dates, update the line number logic, and replace structural elements.

On the appropriate menu, click View Map. With the map, you can apply a filter on the estimate lines. On the map, by default, the Use Filter option on the appropriate menu is selected. Click the structural element in the map structure, which you want to see in your estimate line filter. On the appropriate menu, click View Details or right-click and, on the shortcut menu that appears, click View Details. In the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session, you see the structural element of your choice with (filtered) the element’s code in the column heading. On the status bar, the message Mapfilter active: %1$s. appears. To switch off the filter, go to the map view and select the Use Filter option. The filter option is cleared. The status bar in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session reads No mapfilter active. and each estimate line is displayed again.

Estimate Line Buttons

The first five buttons are used to calculate a price; click Configure to configure an item. If you click Aggregate Totals, modified amounts are calculated for the lines. The aggregated totals are used to calculate the estimate. You will find the following totals expressed on the estimate lines in the Cost and Sales boxes. The totals are expressed in the estimate-version currency. The total amounts are calculated in three ways:

  • LET ( leading estimate type)

    Sum of all the estimate lines of your primary structure, with the leading estimate type of the used structural element.

  • Top Down

    Sum of all the estimate lines with the Top Down estimate type.

  • Bottom Up

    Sum of all the estimate lines with the Bottom Up estimate type.

    Note: whether the Detail or Total line is used in the calculation, depends on the structural element's level type.

  • Totals are not calculated if no structure is defined for the estimate version. Lines can be excluded of the calculation if the lines are not included in the scope or are excluded from the sales or cost estimate. Each calculated amount can belong to a different column, including Total Cost, Landed Cost, Gross Sales, or Net Sales.
  • To check top-down lines for amount consistency, you can click Verify Top-Down Estimate Consistency. Consistency checks are performed for top-down amounts of the primary structure. The sum of the child elements' amounts must be less than or equal to the parent's amount. For a particular primary structural element, the total amount must be greater than or equal to the sum of the amounts of other level types: Cost Type, Other Structure, or Detail. The total amount check does not apply to flat structures.

To avoid messages interrupting your work, messages are directed to a separate window, where you can view or clear the messages.


The project code.
The project status.

The Blocked status means that the estimate project is copied to a new project. In the new project, you maintain the estimate.

Estimate Version
The estimate version status.

If the version status is Free, you can add structures to the version, change the version amount, and so on. For example, you can still swap the primary structure with one of the additionally added structures.

If the version status is Final, the version is frozen. You can only change the status back to Free and/or change the sort structure.

If you select Aggregate Totals option on the appropriate menu, the line amounts with the leading estimate type (LET) of the linked structural elements are summed up and displayed in the LET field.

How the calculation is performed depends on your user settings and the leading estimate type of the structural element. If the LET of the structural element A is top-down and you have two lines for A, one top-down and the other bottom up. The top-down line is used in the LET total calculation of that structural element. For bottom-up elements the Level field value for cost and sales level types in the Structural Elements (tpest1120m000) session, determines what line is aggregated.

The cost amount is either the total project or the structural element sales amount, depending on your current view.
The total project or structural element's estimated cost based on the surcharges, depending on your current view.
The total net sales amount of the project or of the structural element. This depends on your current view.
Top Down
The total top down amount depends on the structure view. If you enter estimate lines with the view on structural element A, amount A is displayed. The level type entered on the estimate lines determines which specific line amount of A is the total amount.

LN looks for the amount in the following order of level type:

  • Total
  • Cost Type
  • Other Structure
  • Detail
Top Down
Landed cost amount of the estimate line with the Level field set to Total and the Estimating Type field set to Bottom Up.
Top Down
Gross sales amount of the top-down estimate line with the Level field set to Total.
Top Down
Net sales amount of the top-down estimate line with the Level field set to Total.
Bottom Up
The aggregated total of all structural element lines with the Estimating Type field set to Bottom Up.
Bottom Up
Sum of landed cost amount of estimate line with the Level field set to Detail and the Estimating Type field set to Bottom Up.
Bottom Up
Sum of gross sales amount of estimate line with the Level field set to Detail and the Estimating Type field set to Bottom Up.
Bottom Up
Sum of net sales amount of estimate line with the Level field set to Detail and the Estimating Type field set to Bottom Up.
Line Number
Each estimate line is identified with a number. By default, the numbering increases the previous number by 10. However, you are free to change the number step. The Renumber Estimate Lines command is available on the appropriate menu, as one of the Modify Utilities.

Along with the line number, each estimate line has a unique line number that is not visible. This unique line number is determined by the estimation series and the estimation number group in the General Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.

Estimating Type
The way in which the calculation of the estimate is performed. An estimate type is either top down or bottom up.
  • Top Down
    In calculating the cost or sales amount in a top-down structure, you distribute a top amount to the lower level elements.
  • Bottom Up
    In calculating the cost or sales amount in a bottom-up structure, you enter exact amounts for lowest level elements and aggregate them to make the top amount.
The level of detail for the estimate.

The level depends on the value of the Estimating Type field. If the Estimating Type is set to Bottom Up, the following values are possible:

  • Total
  • Detail

If the Estimating Type is set to Top Down, the following values are possible:

  • Total
  • Detail
  • Cost Type
  • Other Structure
Primary Structural Element
A primary structural element. The primary structure is entered in the Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000) session.
Cost Type
The cost type linked to the estimate line.

Allowed values

The applicable cost types for the estimate lines are:

  • Labor
  • Materials
  • Equipment
  • Subcontracting
  • Sundry Costs
  • Reference Activity
Cost Object

You cannot enter a material cost object. Estimating uses the Item field as a separate field for the material cost object.

The gross quantity is used for both sales and cost to calculate the amount with the price multiplied by the gross quantity.
gross quantity = quantity * (1 + scrap factor / 100) * adjustment factor * (norm / production rate)
The quantity unit.
Scrap [%]
This field is only applicable for estimate lines with the material cost type. The gross quantity is recalculated if the scrap factor is changed:
gross quantity = quantity * (1 + scrap factor / 100) * adjustment factor
Adj. Factor
The adjustment factor is used to modify the standard norms and/or rates of the estimate. The adjustment factor is used to calculate the gross quantity.
gross quantity = quantity * (1 + scrap factor / 100) * adjustment factor
Norm [Price Unit/Unit]
The norm is only applicable for cost types Labor, Equipment, and Subcontracting.

If the norm is changed, the amount is recalculated:

cost/sales amount = quantity * norm * cost price * (1 + scrap factor/100) * adjustment factor

If this line is launched to a project budget, the budgeting method of the linked activity or project is Labor Norms.

Production Rate [Unit/Price Unit]
The production rate is only applicable for cost types Labor, Equipment, and Subcontracting.

If the production rate is changed, the amount is recalculated:

cost/sales amount = quantity unit * cost price/production rate * (1 + scrap factor/100) * adjustment factor

If this line is launched to a project budget, the budgeting method of the linked activity or project is Production Rate.

Product Variant
If this check box is selected, a generic item is configured and receives a product variant code. This product variant code contains the configuration of your choice. If the check box is selected, you can click Configure to change the product variant.
Product Variant
Date of Incurring Cost
The expected date that the estimate line costs will occur. This date is used to determine the effective cost/purchase price, the effective rate factor, and the project cash flow at the time costs are released.

If the primary structure is Activity or Element, the activity/element start date is the default date. In case of another estimate-version structure type, the project start date is the default date. If the activity schedule is changed, you can update the date of incurring cost.

Labor Rate Code
The labor rate code determines both the cost and sales price and is maintained in the Labor Rate Codes (tcppl0190m000) session. If the sales pricing method is Markup, the sales price of the labor rate can be overruled.
Buy-from Business Partner
The buy-from business partner linked to the estimate line.

For items without an item code, the buy-from business partner can be used to create project items while launching the estimate to budget.

The estimate-version currency is the default Currency.
Cost Price
The cost price can originate from various sources.
Price Unit
The cost price unit. The quantity unit can differ from the cost price unit. For example, if the cost price is defined in hours and the quantity of the required material is in pieces.


The cost price is EUR 100 per hour and the quantity is 1,000 pieces, the norm determines the calculation. If the norm is: one hour makes two pieces, the amount becomes EUR 5,000.

Origin of Cost Price
Multiple sources exist for the cost price of an estimate line. Possible values.
Final Cost Price
If this check box is selected, you have made the cost price final for this estimate line. You can also perform this process automatically with the Final Cost Price command. With this command, the final cost price is retrieved from a corresponding estimate line. However, this method only works if an estimate line exists that contains a final cost price for the same cost object.
Cost Amount
The calculation is cost price * gross quantity or an amount you enter manually.
The cost rate between the estimate-version currency and the home currency of the project.
Rate Factor
The rate factor of the estimate-version currency rate.
Cost Amount
The cost amount is expressed in the home currency.
Surcharge %
You can either enter a surcharge on a line or enter a separate estimate line of the Sundry Cost cost type, for example, for travel expenses.
Surcharge Amount
You can either enter a surcharge on a line or enter a separate estimate line of the Sundry Cost cost type, for example, for travel expenses.
Landed Cost Amount
This amount is the total estimate cost, including the surcharges. The landed cost is effected whenever you modify the cost amount or the surcharges.
landed amount = cost amount + surcharges (additional costs)
Escalation Amount
A reservation for a price adjustment that can occur during the project life cycle. For example, an increase in the supplier's raw material price, or a collective pay raise.
Contingency Amount
Enter a contingency amount as a reservation for risks that can occur, such as preventive actions or repair risk damage.
Pricing Method
Markup %
A percentage added to the costs to reach a sales amount.
gross sales amount = landed cost amount + contingency + escalation + markup
Markup Amount
A percentage amount, which is added to the landed cost amount to reach a sales amount.
gross sales amount = landed cost amount + contingency + escalation + markup
Date of Expected Sales
The date the estimate line is expected to be sold. This date is required if you want to know what the cash flow of the project at that date is, and to get the effective rate factor and the effective sales price.

If the primary structure is Activity or Element, the activity/element finish date is the default date. In case of another estimate-version structure type, the project finish date is the default date. If the activity schedule is changed, you can update the date of expected sales.

The estimate version determines the currency.
Gross Sales Price
Origin of Sales Price
This field is a display field and is filled in by LN. Because multiple sources are available to arrive at the sales price for an estimate line, knowing the origin is important. Possible values.
Final Sales Price
If this check box is selected, you have made the sales price final for this estimate line. You can also perform this process semi-automatically with the Final Sales Price command. With this command, the final sales price is retrieved from a corresponding estimate line. However, this method only works if an estimate line exists with a final sales price for the same cost object.
Gross Sales Amount
The sales rate between the estimate-version currency and the home currency.
Rate Factor
The rate factor of the estimate-version currency rate.
Gross Sales Amount
The sales amount in the home currency.
Discount %
The discount amount percentage.
Discount Amount
The discount given to a business partner, calculated by unit and expressed as a value. For instance, 3 euro.
Net Sales Price
Net Sales Amount
If the pricing method is Markup, the net sales amount is the gross sales amount - discount amount.
Profit %
The profit percentage.

It is calculated as follows:

profit percentage = {(net sales amount - cost amount)/cost amount} * 100
Profit Amount
Profit amount is the difference of net sales amount and cost amount. If the pricing method is Target Pricing, a negative amount or a positive amount indicates that you must accept a loss or a profit.
Structure 1 - 7

The primary structure is entered in the Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000) session. In the Swap Structures in Version (tpest1202m000) session, you can swap the first additional structure position with another predefined additional structure that is also linked to this estimate version.

Sort Structure Element
The additional structure that is defined as sort structure. You can use the Sort Structure Element code to sort the estimate lines.
Line Type
A classification of the estimate line, whose default value is taken from the User Profiles (tppdm0101s000) session. For example, you can print a report for direct and indirect costs.
The status of the estimate line.
User-Defined Status
Define an appropriate status for the estimate.

For example, you define two statuses: Request for Quotation and Final Supply. The status can be Request for Quotation if you are not sure about the costs of a supply for the estimate line. Link, for example, only the related cost fields to this status. The Include in Cost check box must be cleared. These cost lines are not included in the total cost calculation. You can change the status of the cost lines to Final Supply later, when you receive the answer to the quotation and you know the cost price of the supply. Now, select the Include in Cost check box.

The statuses Request for Quotation and Final Supply are examples. You can create your own status list.

Include in Scope
The Include in Scope check box is displayed based on the setting in the Estimate Lines Utilities (tpest2201m000) session.

If the logon you are using has no estimate options by user, the Include in Scope check box is automatically selected for each new estimate line. Use this check box to define alternative lines for the bid and the input for the totals. If the alternative is out-of-scope, the Include in Scope check box value is higher in hierarchy than the value of the Include in Cost and Include in Sales check boxes. As a result, estimate lines with the Include in Cost and Include in Sales check boxes selected, but with the Include in Scope check box cleared, are not considered in the totals. You can select or clear this check box with a user-defined status.

Include in Cost
If this check box is selected, the total and landed cost are calculated.

If you click Aggregate Totals, the line amount is included in the total and landed cost. The display of the Include in Cost check box is based on the setting in the Estimate Lines Utilities (tpest2201m000) session. If the logon you are using has no estimate options by user, the Include in Cost check box is automatically selected for each new estimate line. This check box can be cleared with a user-defined status.

Include in Sales
If this check box is selected, the total gross and net sales are calculated.

If you click Aggregate Totals, the line amount is included in the total and landed cost. The display of the Include in Sales check box is based on the setting in the Estimate Lines Utilities (tpest2201m000) session. If the logon you are using has no estimate options by user, the Include in Sales check box is automatically selected for each new estimate line. This check box can be cleared with a user-defined status.

If this check box is selected, the estimate line is launched to the budget in the Launch Estimate to Budget (tpest2200m000) session.
  • You can only launch an estimate line with this check box selected.
  • If you select the Relaunch Already Launched lines check box in the Launch Estimate to Budget (tpest2200m000) session, the relaunch will create duplicate records in the budget.
If this check box is selected, a text is present.
Effectivity Unit
The effectivity unit code for the item on the estimate line.
Tax Code
The tax code that applies to the purchase order line.
  • If the country displayed in the Tax Code field uses a tax provider to calculate tax and is therefore listed in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session, tax countries on other purchase order lines in the same purchase order must also be registered in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session. The reason for this is that only the same type of tax countries are allowed on a single order.
  • You can use a group tax code for cost en service items. The group tax code must meet the conditions of the business partner tax classification. In addition, the withholding functionality must be applicable for the financial company of the purchase order's purchase office.
  • If the GST Implemented check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, Infor LN defaults the tax code applicable for the receiving address state.
  • The tax code must be of type aggregate tax code.
Assessable Value for Excise
The assessable value of the item for excise. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin for Excise field.
  • Infor LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date is modified.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin for Excise field is set to Manual.
Assessable Value for VAT
The assessable value of the item. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin for Sales field.
  • Infor LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date is modified.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin for Sales field is set to Manual.
Assessable Value for Service Tax
The assessable value of the item. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin for Service field.
  • Infor LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date is modified.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin for Service field is set to Manual.
Taxable ASV for Excise
The assessable value of the item which is used to calculate excise. When excise is applicable on other charges, the other charge price is also included in the value.

Infor LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date is modified.

Taxable ASV for VAT
The assessable value of the item which is used to calculate VAT. When VAT is applicable on other charges, the other charge price is also included in the value.
Taxable ASV for Service
The assessable value of the item which is used to calculate service tax. When service tax is applicable on other charges, the other charge price is also included in the value.
Assessable Value for Excise
The assessable value of the item for excise. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin for Excise field.
  • Infor LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date is modified.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin for Excise field is set to Manual.
Assessable Value for VAT
The assessable value of the item. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin for Sales field.
  • Infor LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date is modified.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin for Sales field is set to Manual.
Assessable Value for Service Tax
The assessable value of the item. The value is defaulted based on the value you select in the ASV Origin for Service field.
  • Infor LN updates the value when the Item or Planned Delivery Date is modified.
  • The field is enabled and you can enter the value only when the ASV Origin for Service field is set to Manual.
The description or name of the code.


Print Estimate Lines
Starts the Print Estimate Lines (tpest2400m000) session.
Sales Price
Click the Sales Price button to retrieve the cost object's sales price. LN uses this price in the invoice line.