Line Segment - Line Sequence (tiasl4500m000)

Use this session to display the planning data for a line segment.

You can see the sequence of assembly orders, planned and actual, and display the following attributes for an assembly order:

  • Whether another order has requested the start of this order, which is defined in the Process Trigger Definition (tiasl8100m000) session.
  • Whether the order has been offset.
  • Whether the order position can be altered, which you can change here.
  • Whether the line-station order has the status Frozen.

By means of the Show Orders command on the appropriate menu, you can choose which orders you want to see.

  • All orders.
  • Start requested.
  • Started.
  • Completed.


Sequence Type
The Simulate and Create Line Sequences (tiasl4200m000) session generates the following sequences:
  • The Actual sequence, which cannot be modified in the Remix Line Mix (tiasl3220m000) session.
  • The Generated sequence, which you can modify in the Remix Line Mix (tiasl3220m000) session.
Line Segment
Each line segment has an individual sequence of orders.
Next Line Segment
A set of consecutive assembly-line work centers on an assembly line between two buffers. The first buffer is the beginning of the segment, the next buffer is the first part of the next segment.
Identifier for the assembly order in this segment. The position order is the sequence that the order is processed in.
Assembly Order
An order to assemble a product on one or more assembly lines.
Planned Start Time
The time when work starts on the assembly order in the current segment, according to the initial plan that was generated during sequencing.
Planned End Time
The time when work finishes on the assembly order in the current segment, according to the initial plan that was generated during sequencing. This time must be later than the Planned Start Time.
Planned Transport End Date
Start Requested
This parameter is an information display field. If this check box is selected, you know that the assembly order can be started on the line segment in question. In other words, the assembly order is released for assembly on the line segment.

You can select this check box in the Request Start - Assembly Order on Line Station (tiasc4200m000) session. You can start the Request Start - Assembly Order on Line Station (tiasc4200m000) session:

  • From the appropriate menu in the Line Station - Assembly Orders (tiasl6510m000) session.
  • By using process-triggered workflow.

You define the triggers in the Process Trigger Definition (tiasl8100m000) session. In the Process Trigger Definition (tiasl8100m000) session, define the Request Start - Assembly Order on Line Station (tiasc4200m000) session as a session that must be triggered by a process trigger that is defined in the Process Trigger Definition (tiasl8100m000) session. You can request an assembly order to be started on a line segment on the supplying line, based on a completion date, or based on a start date of the same order on the main line.

Offsetting Required
If this check box is selected, this order has not yet been offset or the offset data are no longer up to date. The line station orders for this assembly order must be offset.
The end item of the assembly order.
Actual Start Time
This field denotes the time when work in the selected segment actually starts on the assembly order.
Actual End Time
The time when work in the selected segment is actually finished for the assembly order.
If this check box is selected, the planned delivery date of an assembly order is fixed.

This check box is selected in the following situation: When the assembly orders on the main line are sequenced, the sequence of the segment that is connected to a supplying line is copied to the last segment of the supplying line.

Because the sequence of the last segment must be the same, if no buffer exists between the last segment of the supplying line and the main line, the assembly orders are fixed on the last segment of the supplying line.

If you sequence the supplying line separately, such as to make a spare order that does not flow into the main line, the positions of the fixed orders remain the same.

If this check box is selected, the line-station order (LSO) status is Frozen.

LSOs are frozen during the Generate Assembly Orders process in Line Assembly Control (LAC). A line segment, as well as the LSOs that belong to the segment, is frozen when the line segment falls in the freeze time fence, which is defined for every line segment. To fall in the freeze time fence, the LSO offline date minus the current date must be less than the freeze time fence.

When assembly orders are generated, LN checks whether these orders must be frozen or partially frozen.

This also affects the usage of the Quantity to Allocate parameter.

Related topics

If this check box is selected, the assembly date of the order is fixed in the line sequencing.
  • Once the assembly order is firmed, line sequencing will not be allowed to reschedule the assembly order in the last line segment of the roll-off line
  • You can select this option or clear when the status of assembly order is Sequenced or In Progress.


Reschedule Assembly Orders...
Click to start the Reschedule Assembly Orders (tiasl4220m000) session.
Simulate and Create Line Sequences...
Show All Orders
Click to show all the assembly orders for this assembly line.
Show Orders - Start Requested
Show only orders for which a start has been requested in the current session, or by process triggered workflow.
Show Orders - Started
Show only the orders for which work is already started.
Show Orders - Completed
Show only the orders which have been reported completed.