Due date calculation methods

Several methods exist to determine the due date of an invoice or payment schedule line.

In the Payment Terms (tcmcs0113s000) session, you can select one of the following due date calculation methods

  • Immediately
  • End of Month
  • Only if the period type for the payments is Days:

    • End of Fifteen Days
    • End of Ten Days
    • End of Week

The Immediately due-date calculation method simply adds the payment period to the document date.


Purchase invoice PUR 20000123 has the following details:

  • The document date is 2007-02-23.
  • The payment period is 10 days.
  • The period type for the payments is Days.
  • The due-date calculation method is Immediately.
  • No fixed payment days are specified.

The due date is calculated as follows: document date + payment period

The resulting due date is: 2007-03-05.

End of Month

For the End of Month method, you can select two additional factors for the due date calculation:

    • The due-date calculation priority
      If the due-date calculation priority is End of Month, the end of the month in which the invoice was created is taken. The payment period is added to that.
    • If the due-date calculation priority is Payment Period, the payment period is first added to the document date. Then, the end of the month in which the resulting date lies is taken as due date.
  • The due-date time fence

    The fence defines a fixed day of the month before which the invoice must have been created. If the invoice's document date is higher than the due-date fence, a whole month is added to the calculation.


Purchase invoice PUR 20000456 has the following details:

  • The document date is 2007-02-23.
  • The payment period is 10.
  • The period type for the payments is Days.
  • The due-date calculation method is End of Month.
  • The due-date fence is 20 (day 20 of a month).
  • The due-date calculation priority is End of Month.
  • The fixed payment dates are the 5th, the15th, and the 25th of each month.

The resulting due date is 2007-04-15. This is calculated as follows:

  • The due-date calculation priority End of Month determines that the last date of the month in which the invoice was created must be taken. In this case 2007-02-28.
  • The due-date fence is the 20th of the month, which means the invoice's due date is only calculated starting from February if the document date falls before the 20th of February. As this is not the case, the end of the following month will serve as the basis of the calculation instead (2007-03-31).
  • The due date is calculated by adding the payment period to the end date of this month; this results in: 2007-04-10.
  • This date must be increased until the next fixed payment date. This means the due date is: 2007-04-15.


In this example, the time fence and the due-date calculation priority have the following effect:

  • The time fence
    If the document date is 2007-02-13, the time fence (2007-02-20) is not exceeded and the due date is: 2007-03-15.
  • The due-date calculation priority

    If the due-date calculation priority is Payment Period, the resulting due date is 2007-03-31. This is calculated as follows:

    • The priority determines that first the payment period must be added to the document date. Then the end of the month in which the resulting date falls is taken.
    • If the result is later than the time fence (at the time of the transfer), the due date must fall in the following month.
    • The due date is calculated as follows: Document date + payment period = 2007-03-05. This date is earlier than the 20th of the month, which means the date can be moved to the end of the month. Therefore, the resulting due date is 2007-03-31.

If the period type is Months, the due-date calculation method must be End of Month. and the due-date calculation priority is Not Applicable.


Purchase invoice PUR 2000789 has the following details:

  • The invoice date is 2007-03-25.
  • The payment period is 3.
  • The period type is Months.
  • The due-date calculation method End of Month
  • The due-date fence is 20 (20th of the month).

The resulting due date, 2007-07-31, is calculated as follows:

  • The calculation method is End of Month, which means that the due date must fall after the end of the month (as the priority does not apply).
  • The time fence is 20: the conditions are only valid for the month of the document date, if this date is earlier than the 20th of the month (2007-03-20). As this is not the case, the end of the following month is taken (2007-04-30).
  • The due date is determined by adding the payment period to the last date of this month, resulting in: 2007-07-31.
End of Fifteen Days

Fortnights start on the first, the 15th, and the 29th day of the month.


Purchase invoice PUR 20000123 has the following details:

  • The document date is 2007-02-23.
  • The payment period is 10 days.
  • The period type for the payments is Days.
  • The due-date calculation method is End of Fifteen Days.
  • No fixed payment days are specified.

The due date is calculated by adding the payment period to the first day of the next fortnight after the document date.

The first day of the next fortnight after 2007-02-23 is 2007-03-01.

The resulting due date is 2007-03-01 + 10 days = 2007-03-11.

End of Ten Days

For the End of Ten Days due-date calculation method, due date is calculated by adding the payment period to the first day of the next multiple of ten days after the document date. Multiple of ten day periods start on the first, the 11th, the 21st, and the 31st of each month.


Purchase invoice PUR 20000123 has the following details:

  • The document date is 2007-02-13.
  • The payment period is 10 days.
  • The period type for the payments is Days.
  • The due-date calculation method is End of Ten Days.
  • No fixed payment days are specified.

The due date is calculated by adding the payment period to the first day of the next fortnight after the document date.

The first day of the next multiple of ten days after 2007-02-13 is 2007-02-21.

The resulting due date is 2007-02-21 + 10 days = 2007-03-02.

End of Week

For the End of Week due-date calculation method, the due date is calculated by adding the payment period to the first day of the next week after the document date. LN retrieves the first day of the week from the Companies (ttaad1100m000) session of Enterprise Server.


Purchase invoice PUR 20000123 has the following details:

  • The document date is 2007-02-13.
  • The payment period is 10 days.
  • The period type for the payments is Days.
  • The due-date calculation method is End of Week.
  • The first day of the week in the Companies (ttaad1100m000) session is Sunday.
  • No fixed payment days are specified.

The due date is calculated by adding the payment period to the first day of the next week after the document date.

The first day of the next week after 2007-02-13 is 2007-02-17.

The resulting due date is 2007-02-17 + 10 days = 2007-03-27.