The reconciliation group details

In the Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000) session, you can view and complete the details of the generated reconciliation groups with the details required for the reconciliation and financial analysis in your organization.

You can enter the following data:

  • Reconciliation Elements

    For every reconciliation group, you can select up to five reconciliation elements from the elements that are available for the reconciliation group. For performance reasons, ensure that the most specific element has number 1 and the least specific element has the highest number.

    Because the reconciliation data is logged independently of the integration transactions, the reconciliation elements do not have to correspond to the mapping elements that you used for the integration document types of the reconciliation group.

  • The Reconciliation Group description

    During the reconciliation process, in most sessions the data is viewed and processed by reconciliation group, for example, in the Operations Management - Financial Reconciliation (tfgld4595m000) session.

    A reconciliation group consists of a reconciliation area and a subarea. For the reconciliation area that contains multiple subareas, the generated description of the reconciliation area is not sufficient to identify the reconciliation group. For these groups, you might want to enter a further description of the subarea. Because a subarea can contain multiple integration document types, no descriptions can be generated.

    For example, the Inventory reconciliation area has only one subarea, therefore, Inventory sufficiently identifies the reconciliation group. However, the Invoice Accrual reconciliation area has 14 subareas and you might want to enter descriptions for these subareas.

    To find the description of the subarea, on the appropriate menu of the Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000) session, click Integration Document Types. The Integration Document Types by Reconciliation Group (tcfin0115m000) session starts and lists the integration document types, which indicate the type of transactions that belong to the subarea. You can use one of these descriptions as the subarea description.


    • The Invoice Accrual reconciliation subarea 12 contains the integration document types Warehouse Receipt/Receipt Invoiced and Warehouse Receipt/Shipment Variance Invoiced. Therefore, for the description, you can enter Warehouse Receipt.
    • The Invoice Accrual reconciliation subarea 13 contains only the integration document type Service Order/Triangular Invoicing, which you can use for the description.
  • Write Reconciliation Data

    If this check box is selected, LN logs reconciliation data for the transactions of the integration document types that belong to the reconciliation group.

    By default, the check box is selected. For performance reasons, you can choose to clear the check box if you do not use the reconciliation group for reporting. For example, logging reconciliation data for the reconciliation groups of interim accounts such as Invoice Accrual, WIP, and Inventory is usually far more important than logging the data for profit and loss end accounts.

    You cannot change the selection of this check box if unposted transactions exist in the reconciliation data of the reconciliation group in any financial company of the multicompany structure.

  • Log All Reconciliation Elements

    If this check box is selected, LN logs the values of all the reconciliation elements available for the reconciliation group.

    If the Log All Reconciliation Elements check box is cleared, LN only logs the values of the reconciliation elements that you assign to the reconciliation group.

    By default, the check box is selected. If after some time you are satisfied that the setup of the reconciliation group is correct and meets your reconciliation requirements, you can clear the check box to improve the performance.

  • Basis for Final Acceptance

    For every reconciliation group, LN generates the Basis for Final Acceptance. This indicates the most specific level of detail on which you can reconcile and accept the transactions.

    For example, if the Basis for Final Acceptance is Business Object ID, which, for a purchase order, represents the order number, you cannot reconcile and accept the reconciliation transactions for each purchase order line.

    This field can have the following values:

    • Business Object ID
      You can reconcile and accept the transactions per business object ID or on a less specific level.
    • Business Object ID + Sorting Position
      You can reconcile and accept the transactions per business object ID plus sorting position, for example, the order line number, or on a less specific level.
    • Business Object ID + Reference
      You can reconcile and accept the transactions per business object ID plus business object reference, or on a less specific level.
    • Reference Link between Business Objects
      You can reconcile and accept the transactions from different reconciliation groups by reference link. The reference link is
    • Not Applicable
      You cannot reconcile and accept the transactions per business object ID or reference link. You can reconcile and accept the transactions per reconciliation element, or on a less specific level.

      This value applies to reconciliation groups of the following reconciliation areas:

      • Inventory
      • Consigned/Customer Owned Inventory
      • Assembly Line WIP
  • Log Currency Differences

    Indicates for every reconciliation group, whether and in which way currency differences are logged. This field can have the following values:

    • Automatically
      You must define a mapping for the Document Type Currency Differences integration document type in the integration mapping scheme.
    • Manually
      The Document Type Currency Differences integration document type is only used to log the reconciliation data. No currency difference transaction is generated. Before reconciliation, you can run the various currency differences sessions to clear the currency differences from the integration accounts. For details, refer to Currency differences accounts.
    • Not
      No currency differences are logged. No Document Type Currency Differences integration document type is generated.
  • The special integration document types

    For every reconciliation group, in addition to the integration document types that represent the Operations Management transactions, some or all of the following integration document types are generated:

    • Document Type Currency Differences
    • Document Type Rounding Differences
    • Document Type Correction
    • Document Type Opening Balance
  • Block deleting of

    Indicates how business objects are archived and/or deleted in Operations Management.

    • Block deleting of Business Objects for not Finally Accepted Trans
      If you select this check box, you cannot archive and/or delete business objects in Operations Management before the reconciliation data of the reconciliation group has been finally accepted in the Finally Accept Reconciliation Data (tfgld4295m100) session. If you only use the reconciliation data for reporting, you can clear this check box.
    • Block deleting of Finally Accepted Transactions of not deleted BO's
      If you select this check box, you cannot archive and/or delete the reconciliation data if the business objects still exist in Operations Management, that means, if the business object has not been archived and/or deleted. If required, for example for projects that run longer than a fiscal year, you can clear this check box.

    For details, refer to To archive and delete the reconciliation data.