Financial Statements (tffst1600m000)

Use this session to create and maintain financial statements, including statement accounts and statement columns.


Statement Details
Financial Statement
Statement Type
Only Used for External Report Definition
If this check box is selected, the financial statement can only be used for external reporting.
Accounting Scheme
A scheme of accounts to which the results of certain events are posted. The accounting scheme consists of ledger accounts, structured in a parent-child hierarchy.
Next Statement
Enter the code of the financial statement you want to link to the financial statement you are creating. This allows you to create series of statements. After printing the original statement, LN will automatically print the next statement defined here.
Statement layouts determine the general presentation of financial statements. This includes margins, header data of columns and accounts, header and footer texts, etc. This data is used to create financial statements. LN will order the statement data according to the parameters corresponding with the layout code selected.
If this check box is selected, a header text will be printed on the top of each page.
Statement Status
Created by User
The logon code of the user who created the financial statement.
Creation Date
The date that the financial statement was created.
Last Modified by User
The logon code of the user who modified the financial statement.
Modification Date
The date that the financial statement was modified.
Currency Details
Report Currency
One of the companies' home currencies that you, for example, use to report financial results to management.

In a multicurrency situation, you can use three home currencies. You can define the following three home currencies for a company:

  • The company's local currency
  • Reporting currency 1
  • Reporting currency 2
Calculation Group
A set of financial companies that indicates the currency that must be used for each company in financial statements.

The currency can be one of these:

Default Rate Type
A way to group currency exchange rates. You can assign different currency exchange rates to different invoice-to business partners and/or to different types of transactions (purchase, sales, and so on).
Use Currency Gain/Loss Statement Account
If this check box is selected, LN will use an exchange gain and loss account.
Historical Rates Allowed
If this check box is selected, LN will use available historical rates.
Annexure Details
Use Annexure
If this check box is selected, an annexure with a breakdown of the statement accounts into ledger accounts and dimensions will be printed.

This check box must also be selected to enable data drilldown functionality.

Annexure Layout
Select an appropriate statement layout from the Statement Layouts (tffst0110m000) session.
If this check box is selected, a text will be printed on the top of each page.
Process Transactions