Column Layouts (tffst0111m000)

Use this session to define and maintain column layouts for the selected statement layout.


Layout Type
Statement layouts determine the general presentation of financial statements. This includes margins, header data of columns and accounts, header and footer texts, etc. This data is used to create financial statements. LN will order the statement data according to the parameters corresponding with the layout code selected.
Statement Column
The number of the column for which you want to define the starting position in the statement.
Column Position
The position of a specific column on a statement page.
Output Format
The output format of the statement determines how a statement value is presented at the intersection of a column and a row.

You can enter the output format manually, or by using the three-digit code of a format predefined in the Formats by Generic Unit (ttaad1107m000) session, preceded by "%A".

A statement page consists of statement columns and statement accounts (rows). In this field you indicate how a value must be represented at the intersection of a column and a row (coordinate).



x = coordinates for which you must indicate how their values must be printed.

If you manually enter an output format, you can use the following symbols:

  • 9
    Reserves one position for each figure; adds a "0" (zero) if this position does not contain a significant figure.
  • Z
    Reserves one position for each figure; adds a space if this position does not contain a significant figure (can be used both before and after the decimal and thousand signs).
  • V
    Has no meaning if used individually; only when combined with "D" or decimal point, a decimal sign will be inserted at the "V" position.
  • D
    Reserves one position for the decimal sign as defined in the data dictionary; "D" is used together with "V", so that the decimal sign is inserted at the "V" position.
  • T
    Reserves one position for the thousand sign as defined in the data dictionary.
  • -
    If this sign is the first or the last character in a format string, a minus sign ("-") is added either left or right of a negative value; in case of a positive value, a space will be added. If the string contains a minus sign at another position than the first or the last, the sign has the same value as "Z".

Example 1

Output formatValuePresentation


Example 2

Output formatValuePresentation



To preview the results of the output format you define here, click the arrow button. This will start the Test Output Format (tffst0801m000) session.

Column Header Alignment
This field indicates how the column header text is presented in the statement.

This field is only available if "1", "2" or "3" was entered in the Number of Column Header Lines field in the Statement Layouts (tffst0610m000) session.

Do Not Print Minus Signs
If this check box is selected, LN will print negative values without minus signs.


Print Statement Layout
Starts the Print Statement Layout (tffst0410m000) session.
Renumbers the values of all Statement Column fields.
Increases the value of the Statement Column field by one.
Decreases the value of the Statement Column field by one.