Sessions for Payment/Receipt Method Reports (tfcmg0530m000)

Use this session to list the sessions used to create documents and sequential files for receipts and payments.

Select the applicable session:

  • For supplier payments, use the Transfer Payments (tfcmg1260m000) session.
  • For direct debits, use the Transfer Direct Debits (tfcmg4260s000) session.
  • For direct debits for Germany, use the Create German Bank Order (Debit) for Diskette (tfcmg4261s000) session.
  • For payment, use the Create German Bankorder for diskette (tfcmg1261m000) session.
  • For payment methods, use the Selected Trade Notes Payable for Processing (tfcmg1526m000) session.
  • For receipt methods, use the Selected Trade Notes Receivable for Processing (tfcmg4526m000) session.


The session code.
The session name.