Sales Quotation Lines (tdsls1501m000)

Use this session to maintain and enter sales quotation lines,

You can start this session:

  • From the Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000) overview session, by clicking Quotation Lines on the appropriate menu
  • From the Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000) session, by selecting and double-clicking a sales quotation line
  • Stand-alone


The document number that identifies the sales quotation.
Quotation Balance
The total amount for all quotation lines.
Quotation Currency
The currency in which the quotation amounts are expressed.
Sold-to BP
Usually a customer's purchase department, the business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, that owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include the following:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner

You cannot change this field if quotation lines exist.

Credit Limit
The sold-to business partner's credit limit.
Credit Limit
The currency in which the credit limit is expressed.
You can generate multiple alternatives for one quotation line. The main position is assigned a sequence number of zero. Sequence numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on, represent the alternatives 1, 2, 3, and so on.
  • Alternatives are not included in (sub)totals and balances, and are only included in time-phased inventory movements if the Status field is not Confirmed
  • Inventory is only checked when an alternative is confirmed and transferred to an order line
  • For each quotation line only one alternative line can be confirmed and converted
The code of the item that is sold.
  • You can include both new and existing items.
  • If the Budget field is filled, the quotation can be for a calculation part. A calculation part is identified by the combination of a budget code and an item code.
  • If the item is a configurable item, you can choose to immediately configure the item. You can also configure the product variant at a later stage. To configure the product variant after the sales quotation line is saved, click Configurator in the current session.
  • In the Generate (Budget) Structure for Sales Quotations (tdsls1201m100) session, you can generate a budget structure, or a product structure for a configured item with the Default Supply Source set to Shop Floor in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session.

If the warehouse is WMS controlled:

  • And the Outbound BOM/List Items check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a list item in this field.
  • And the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a serialized item for which the Serials in Inventory check box is selected in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.
  • And the Serials Not in Inventory check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a serialized item for which the Serials in Inventory check box is cleared in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.
  • And the Lots Not in Inventory check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter a lot controlled item for which the Lots in Inventory check box is cleared in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.
Item Description
The description of the item.

If you entered an existing item code in the Item field, this field displays the general item description. If the Item field is empty, you can enter a description of the new item in this field.

Effectivity Unit
A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.
  • If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is selected in the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session, and the item on this sales quotation line is unit effective, LN automatically inserts an effectivity unit. The generated unit is derived from the Default Series field of the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session.
  • If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is cleared in the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session, and the item on this sales quotation line is unit effective, the effectivity unit is by default 0 (zero). Click Requirements to create an effectivity unit. You can then select requirements to model the unit effective item.
  • You can define the date on which the effectivity unit must be configured for the sales quotation in the Configuration Date (UEF) field of the Sales Parameters (tdsls0100s000) session.
  • If the warehouse is WMS controlled, and the Effectivity Units check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, you cannot enter an effectivity unit in this field.
  • Click Requirements to configure the effectivity unit in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session. You can configure an effectivity unit on the sales quotation line to indicate that optional materials must be used.
The quotation line's status.

You cannot confirm a line if an alternative line has already been confirmed.

The item's picture, which is defaulted from the Picture field in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session.
Ordered Quantity
The number of items that are delivered to the ship-to business partner. This quantity is expressed in the item's sales unit.
Ordered Quantity
The unit in which an item is sold.
The item's unit price, or the calculation part's unit price by sales unit, expressed in the currency entered in the Order Currency field.

If the item is an effectivity unit, upgrade prices are included in the price. You can define an upgrade price for a specific requirement in the Requirements (tcuef0106m000) session. You can view the upgrade prices for a specific effectivity unit in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session.

Sales Price Unit
The unit on which the sales price is based. This unit can differ from the item's inventory unit.


  • The inventory unit is kg
  • The sales unit is bales
  • The price is recorded by unit If the sales price unit differs from the inventory unit, you must record the sales price unit in the MCS Parameters (tcmcs0100s000) session. In that session, you record the factor used to convert the alternative unit (sales price unit) into the inventory unit

The sales price unit and the inventory unit must be the same for cost items or service items.

Discount Percentage
The discount percentage for the quotation line.
Discount Amount
The discount amount for the price per unit for the quotation line.

For example: The unit price is 10, quantity is 20, discount is 1.

The net amount = (unit price - discount) * quantity.
Multi Level Discount
If this check box is selected, a multi level discount is applied to the line.
The net quotation line amount expressed in the quotation currency.

The discount amount is calculated as follows:

(Quantity * Price) - (Quantity * Price * Discount/100)

When calculating this amount, LN uses the conversion factors to convert the sales unit and the price unit to the inventory unit.


Inventory UnitEA
Sales UnitBX (10 EA)
Sales Price UnitKG (0.5 EA)
Sales Price4.0
Line Discount5.0 %


The price of the item is 4.0 per KG, or 8.0 per EA. If you have a quotation line where 20 boxes of the item are ordered, the calculation is as follows:

The sales quantity = 20 * 10 = 200 units.
The sales price	= 4 / 0.5 = 8.0 per unit.
Amount = 200 * 8.0 - 200 * 8.0 * 5/100 = 1520

The order discount is not yet included in this amount.

Item Code System
If you use an alternative item code, you must also specify an item code system.
Item Code System
The code of the alternative item.
Export License Required
Standard Description
If this check box is selected, LN prints quotation line text and sales text below the item's description.
Product Variant

You can select product variants from:

  • If an item's Default Supply Source is Shop Floor, you can only select product variants with the Reference Type field set to Sales Quotation, Budget, or Standard Variant in the Product Variants (tipcf5501m000) session.
  • If an item's Default Supply Source is Assembly, you can only select product variants with the Reference Type field set to Sales Quotation in the Product Variants (tiapl3500m000) session.
Product Variant Type
This field informs you about the type of configurable item on which the product variant is based.
  • For items with the Default Supply Source field set to Shop Floor in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session, this field is set to PCF. You can view the product variant in the Product Variants (tipcf5501m000) session.
  • For items with the Default Supply Source field set to Assembly in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session, this field is set to APL. You can view the product variant in the Product Variants - Inventory & Configuration (tiapl3600m000) session.
The code of the budget.

This field can include a budget from Manufacturing or from Project.


If the budget code is filled, the quotation is for a calculation part. A calculation part is identified by the combination of a budget code and an item code. You can specify:

If the sales quotation's Sales Office is linked to the same financial company as the budget's calculation office, you can enter any budget in this field. If the sales quotation's Sales Office is linked to another financial company as the budget's calculation office, the value of the COGS and Revenues restricted to Financial Company of PCS Project check box in the Project Control Parameters (tipcs0100m000) session determines whether you can enter the selected budget in this field.


If a peg is required for the item on the sales quotation line, a budget must be specified in this field. This field is defaulted from the Budget field in the Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000) session or from the Project field in the Items by Opportunity (tdsmi1113m000) session.

Element for Budget
The element linked to the budget.
Activity for Budget
The activity linked to the budget.
Make Customized
If this check box is selected, this is an item for which no budget structure and/or product structure is generated yet in the Generate (Budget) Structure for Sales Quotations (tdsls1201m100) session and for which the order policy in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000) session is To Order, or Anonymous.
  • If this check box is selected, you must generate a product structure and/or a budget structure for the item in the Generate (Budget) Structure for Sales Quotations (tdsls1201m100) session. If this check box is cleared, you can still generate a budget structure for anonymous purchased, manufactured, cost, or service items in the Generate (Budget) Structure for Sales Quotations (tdsls1201m100) session.
  • After a budget structure and/or a product structure is generated for the item, LN clears this check box.

Whether you can generate a budget structure and/or a product structure for the item in the Generate (Budget) Structure for Sales Quotations (tdsls1201m100) session, depends on the setting of the current check box and the order policy of the item. This is explained in the following table:

Item typeOrder PolicyMake CustomizedStructure
Generic ( Default Supply Source = Shop Floor)AnonymousYes (mandatory)Generate product structure
Generic ( Default Supply Source = Shop Floor)To OrderYes (mandatory)Generate budget structure and product structure
Purchased/ManufacturedAnonymousNoGenerate budget structure (1)
Purchased/ManufacturedAnonymousYesGenerate budget structure and product structure
Purchased/ManufacturedTo OrderNoGenerate budget structure (1)
Purchased/ManufacturedTo OrderYesGenerate budget structure and product structure in case no standard to order inventory is available
Cost/ServiceAnonymousNot applicableGenerate budget structure (1/2)
Cost/ServiceTo OrderNot applicable-


1You can only generate a budget structure for these items if the Generate Budget Parts for all Quotations check box is selected in the Generate (Budget) Structure for Sales Quotations (tdsls1201m100) session.
2You can only generate a budget structure for these items if the Generate Budget Parts for Cost/Service Items check box is selected in the Generate (Budget) Structure for Sales Quotations (tdsls1201m100) session.


Success Percentage
A percentage associated with a quotation that represents the probability of the business partner accepting the quotation. Acceptance results in the conversion of the quotation into a sales order.

LN performs a new ATP check to determine whether the quotation quantity exceeds the quantity that is available-to-promise, if:

Quotation Date
The sales quotation's creation date.

This date must be before the planned delivery date.

Base Price
The price of the goods stored in a warehouse. The base price is independent of the price factor, discounts, the order quantity, and value and is stated in the home currency and inventory unit.
Reference Currency
The currency in which balances of entities shared by all the companies of a financial company group are expressed. For example, LN uses the reference currency for business partner balances.
  • The reference currency is the common base currency of the companies in a multisite structure.
  • For currency systems other than the standard currency system, the reference currency is a company's base currency for all calculations with currencies.
The unit on which the sales price is based.

When you enter an item, LN fills in the default sales unit for this particular item. This unit can be equal to the inventory unit.

Price Origin
The origin of the price.

Allowed values

Price Origin

Matrix Definition
Defines the group of elements (matrix attributes) that a Pricing matrix uses to determine a price, discount, promotion, or freight rate.

Imagine you are a furniture vendor and you decide to maintain your sales prices based on two elements:

  • The specific item you sell.
  • The way to handle payments.

In this case, the matrix type is Sales Price, the matrix definition is Furni (this name is user-definable), and the matrix attributes are Item and Payment Method.


This field can only be filled if LN found an existing price for the sold-to business partner in the price matrix that is displayed in this field.

After retrieving existing prices, you can still overwrite the default prices with the returned prices from the sold-to business partner.

An allowance of deduction granted by the seller to the buyer, usually when the buyer meets certain stipulated conditions that reduce the price of the goods purchased.

Three types of discounts exist:

  • A quantity discount: an allowance determined by the quantity or value of the purchase.
  • A cash discount: an allowance extended to encourage payment of an invoice on or before a stated date.
  • A trade discount: a deduction from an established price for items or services made by the seller to those engaged in a certain business.
Discount Origin
The origin of the discount.

Allowed values

Discount Origin

Structure Discount Percentage
The discount found in a discount schedule.

The structure discount percentage is the total of the discounts for which the discount origin is set to Discount Structure, or Price Book Discount Structure. The total structure discount of the line is retrieved by means of a price matrix, or a discount matrix. This is the discount before manual discounts are added or matrix discounts are changed or deleted.

Total Discount Percentage
The total discount amount expressed as a percentage of the (gross) quotation amount.

This amount is calculated as follows:

                  Total Discount Amount / (order quantity * price) * 100%
Total Discount Amount
The summary of multilevel discounts.
If this check box is selected, this line is included in the order discount calculation.

Related topics

If this check box is selected, collective order discounts are applied to this line.

Related topics

Direct Delivery
If this check box is selected, and the quotation line is converted to a sales order line, the sales order line is handled as a direct delivery.

LN automatically selects this check box if the ordered quantity is equal to or greater than the quantity defined in the Direct Delivery from Quantity field in the Item - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.


You can only select this check box if the Shipping Constraint field is set to None.

Ship-to BP
The ship-to business partner to which you will send the goods if the quotation is converted into a sales order.
The ship-to business partner's address code. You can change this data in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.
The ship-to business partner's contact.
Full Name
The contact's full name.
Planned Delivery Date
The planned delivery date for the quotation line.
Delivery Lead Time
The delivery leadtime determines the actual delivery date of the sales order, that is, when a quotation is converted into an order. The delivery leadtime is entered as a number of calendar days. The sales order's delivery date is calculated as follows:
Delivery date of order = 
transfer date + delivery leadtime of quotation

The transfer date is the date when the sales quotation is transferred to a sales order.

If the delivery leadtime is not filled, the delivery date on the new order is filled with the expected delivery date of the quotation. The delivery leadtime in the quotation header serves as default for the quotation lines.

Planned Receipt Date
An anticipated receipt that corresponds to an open purchase order or open production order.
  • When you enter the planned receipt date, LN calculates the planned delivery date.
  • The planned receipt date cannot be earlier than the planned delivery date.
Shipping Constraint
The terms and conditions related to the shipment of goods.

Allowed values

Shipping Constraint

Default value

The shipping constraint is defaulted from the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000) session.


If the warehouse is WMS controlled, the Ship Line Complete, Ship Order Complete, and Ship Set Complete check boxes in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session determine whether you can select the Ship Line Complete, Ship Order Complete, and/or Ship Set Complete value in this field.

Terms of Delivery
The agreements with the business partner, concerning the way the goods are delivered. Relevant information is printed on various order documents.

Related topics

Point of Title Passage
The point at which the legal ownership changes. At this point, the risk passes from the seller to the buyer.

Related topics

Generate Freight Orders
If this check box is selected, freight orders can be generated from a sales order (delivery) line.

You cannot directly generate freight orders from quotations. As a result, in the Sales Quotation Lines (tdsls1501m000) session, you define all freight related data to provide the necessary information when the quotation is converted to a sales order in the Process Sales Quotations (tdsls1200m000) session.

The route taken for the delivery of goods if the quotation is converted into a sales order.

Before you print picking lists, packing slips, and forwarding documents, you can select and sort sales orders by route.

Carrier Binding
An option in Freight that prevents the load building engine from overwriting the carrier selected by the user for a given freight order line.

Select this check box to ensure that the same carrier is used in the freight order as in the sales order.

An organization that provides transport services. To use a carrier for load building, freight order clustering, transport cost calculation, and invoicing, you must define the carrier both as a carrier and a buy-from business partner in Common. A carrier is also referred to as a forwarding agent.
Freight Service Level
An entity that expresses the duration of transportation, such as: delivery within twelve hours. A freight service level (optional) is used as follows:
  • As a factor that determines the transportation costs of a load.
  • As a factor that determines the freight rate of a freight order.
The code of the warehouse from which the items are delivered.

Quotations cannot be entered for warehouses of the following types:

  • Shop Floor
  • Service
  • Project

Standard warehouse defaulting logic

  1. Product variant (only for Manufactured items with the default supply source set to Assembly in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session)
  2. Ship-to business partner
  3. Item sales data
  4. User profile
  5. Item ordering data
  6. Sales office
Work Center
If the sales quotation item is a generic item that needs final assembly, the work center is required on the sales order.
A sales or distribution channel used to assign goods to customer groups.

You can link channels to sold-to business partners and to items. Channels can be used in connection with available-to-promise (ATP).

You can assign a certain ATP volume to a channel. This volume limits the ATP for that channel to a maximum.

Inventory Handling
This field indicates whether the main item inventory or the BOM components inventory must be issued when the quotation is converted into a sales order.

If the warehouse is WMS controlled, and the Outbound BOM/List Items check box is cleared for the warehouse in the WMS Integration Parameters (whwmd2105m000) session, this field cannot be set to By Component.

Quotation Promising Status
A status that informs you about whether a sales quotation line, sales order line, or sales component line can be promised to a customer, or whether inventory checks must still be carried out or insufficient inventory situations must still be resolved for the line.

Allowed values

Order Promising Status

Inventory on Hand
The item's inventory on hand expressed in the inventory unit. This field is updated on-line when either inventory or material is issued.

The inventory on hand is one of the factors determining the economic stock.

Inventory Unit
The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Inventory on Order
The expected quantity to be received by all warehouses expressed in the inventory unit.
Allocated Inventory
The quantity allocated for production or sales in all warehouses expressed in the inventory unit.

These allocations are updated on-line from the following modules:

The committed quantity that is promised to be delivered to the sold-to business partner, expressed in the inventory unit.
Quotation Allocations
The quantity of the item allocated to sales quotations.
Tax Classification
An attribute of order headers and order lines that you can use to define tax exceptions for the transaction. LN retrieves the default tax classification from the invoice-from and invoice-to business partners.

For example, you can use the tax classification to indicate:

  • That payments to an invoice-from business partner are subject to withholding tax and social contributions
  • To group business partners that have the same tax aspects for your company, for example, subcontractors, or agents
  • That the tax must be paid in a country other than the sales office or service office's home country

Default value

This field is defaulted from the sales quotation header.

If this check box is selected, tax exemption applies.

If the Tax Exempt Level parameter in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session is set to:

  • Limited and you select this check box manually, the Tax Code is defaulted from the Exempt Sales field of the Tax Handling (tctax0138m000) session. If you clear this check box manually, the tax code is not changed.
  • Extended and you select this check box manually, the Tax Code is not changed. If you clear this check box manually, the Exempt Reason and Exempt Certificate fields are cleared and disabled.
Tax Country
The country used for tax purposes.

If the entered country uses a tax provider to calculate tax and is therefore listed in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session, tax countries on other purchase order lines in the same purchase order must also be registered in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session. The reason for this is that only the same type of tax countries are allowed on a single order.

Own Tax Number
A number used to identify legal persons or businesses. The tax authorities assign the tax numbers to the registered businesses. Your business partners must provide you with their tax number. Business partners without a tax number are considered to be private persons.
Tax Code
The tax code that applies to the sales quotation line.
  • If the country displayed in the Tax Code field uses a tax provider to calculate tax and is therefore listed in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session, tax countries on other purchase order lines in the same purchase order must also be registered in the Countries for Destination Sales Tax (tctax6103m000) session. The reason for this is that only the same type of tax countries are allowed on a single order.
  • You can use a group tax code for cost en service items. The group tax code must meet the conditions of the business partner tax classification. In addition, the withholding functionality must be applicable for the financial company of the purchase order's purchase office.
  • If the GST Implemented check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, Infor LN defaults the tax code applicable for the receiving address state.
  • The tax code must be of type aggregate tax code.
Registration Number Sequence (Own)
The sequence number of the tax registration number defined for the financial company.

Infor LN defaults the GSTIN of the purchasing organization based on the location(state) of the receiving address.

Registration Number Sequence (BP)
The sequence number of the tax registration number defined for the business partner.

Infor LN defaults the GSTIN of the supplier based on the location(state) of the ship from address.

BP Tax Country
The country in which the business partner has the tax ID.
BP Tax Number
The business partner's tax ID.

The business partner's tax ID is date effective. To determine and display the correct tax ID for the business partner, LN uses the planned delivery date.

Exempt Certificate
The exemption certificate that is assigned to the business partner by the tax authority.
  • This field only applies if the Tax Exempt Level parameter is set to Extended in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session
  • This field is defaulted from the method that is used to retrieve tax details, as defined in the Search Sequence Tax Libraries group box of the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session
Exempt Reason
The reason why the sold-to business partner or your own company is exempt from sales tax.
  • LN prints the exempt reasons on the sales invoices
  • This field only applies if the Tax Exempt Level parameter is set to Extended in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session
  • This field is defaulted from the method that is used to retrieve tax details, as defined in the Search Sequence Tax Libraries group box of the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session
  • The reason code must be of the Tax Exemption type and must be date effective, as valuated by the Quotation Date
GST Applicable
If this check box is selected, GST is applicable.

By default this check box is selected, if the GST Implemented check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, and the specified item is not defined in the GST Exception Item List (tccom9135m00l) session.

ASV Origin for GST
The option or method that indicates the origin of the assessable value used to calculate the GST.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

Assessable Value for GST
The assessable value, in the inventory unit.
Taxable ASV for GST
The total assessable value of the item, on which the GST is calculated.
Invoice for Freight
If this check box is selected, freight costs must be invoiced to the invoice-to business partner.
Freight Amount
The calculated freight amount, which is retrieved from a carrier rate book or client rate book in Pricing.

Dependent on the value of the Invoice Freight Costs Based On field in the Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000) session, LN determines how to retrieve the freight amount.

Freight Amount Binding
If this check box is selected, the value of the Freight Amount field is binding for Invoicing. This means that the freight amount cannot be modified by Freight.

If the quotation is converted to a sales order, the freight amount can however be updated in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, the freight amount can be updated by Freight.

Show Calculation Log
If this check box is selected, and you click the Freight Amount button, a freight amount calculation log is started. With this log, you can display how the freight invoice amount is calculated or why no amount can be calculated.
Header Quote Reference
The reference to the quotation number of another application.
Line Quote Reference
The reference to the quotation line of another application.
Sales Order
The document number that identifies the sales order.
Sales Order
The number that identifies the sales order line.
The code of the project for which the item is required.

If the sales order line that will be created from this sales quotation line requires a project that differs from the quotation line's Budget, you can specify a project in this field.

Element for Project
The element linked to the project.

If the sales order line that will be created from this sales quotation line requires an element that differs from the quotation line's Element for Budget, you can specify an element in this field.

Activity for Project
The activity linked to the project.

If the sales order line that will be created from this sales quotation line requires an activity that differs from the quotation line's Activity for Budget, you can specify an activity in this field.

Excise Applicable
If this check box is selected, the aggregate tax code must have at least one tax line corresponding to excise duties.
ASV Origin for Excise
The origin of the assessable value for excise.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

Assessable Value for Excise
The assessable value of the item for excise.
ASV Discount for Excise
The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value.
Final ASV
The final assessable value after the discount, on which sales tax/VAT is calculated. This is a display field.
ECC Code
The unique code provided by the excise authorities to the factory or warehouse or dealer dealing with excisable goods.
ASV Origin for Sales Tax
The origin of the assessable value for sales tax/VAT.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

Assessable Value for Sales Tax
The assessable value of the item.
ASV Discount for Sales Tax
The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value.
Final ASV
The final assessable value after the discount, on which sales tax/VAT is calculated. This is a display field.
ASV Origin for Service Tax
The origin of the assessable value for service tax.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

Assessable Value for Service Tax
The assessable value of the item.
ASV Discount for Service Tax
The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value.
Final ASV
The final assessable value after the discount, on which sales tax/VAT is calculated. This is a display field.


Sales Quotation Line - BOM Components
Bill of Material

If, in the Item - General (tcibd0101s000) session, the item's default supply source is Assembly, one of the following sessions is started:

Item Inventory
Starts the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session, in which you can view the current inventory status for the item.
Linked Sales Orders
Project Contract Information
Starts the Contract (tpctm1600m000) session in which you can view the contract that is linked to the project.
Global Lost
Sets the status of all quotation lines to Lost, because the customer has chosen a quotation of another business partner.
Global Confirmation
Sets the status of all quotation lines to Confirmed, based on the customer's acceptance of the quotation.
Global Cancellation
Sets the status of all quotation lines to Canceled, based on the customer's rejection of the quotation.
Recalculate Price/Discounts Quotation Line
Generate (Budget) Structure for Sales Quotations
Price Inquiry
Starts the Price Inquiry (tdpcg0250m000) session.
Sales Quotation Margin
Create Alternative
Copies a line to an alternative. For example, your customer can order one of two monitors when a computer is ordered.

You can create an alternative line for one of the monitors, as follows:

PositionQuotation Line Item
20/114 inch Monitor
20/215 inch Monitor


Recalculate Price/Discounts Entire Quotation
Copy BOM Components...
Starts the Copy BOM Components to Sales Quotation (tdsls1812s000) session, in which you can create quotation lines from a bill of material.
Insert from Catalog
Starts the Catalogs (tdpct0510m000) session.
Quotation Details
Starts the Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000) details session, in which you can view quotation headers.
Starts the Configure product variant (tdsls4119s000) in which you can configure a product variant or unlink a product variant from this session.
Product Variant Options
Planned Inventory Transactions
Default Del Date
Calculates the default delivery date for the quotation line.
Starts the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session in which you can select requirements to configure the effectivity unit.

If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is selected in the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session, the default requirements for the effectivity unit’s item, defined in the Item - Requirements (tcuef0108m000) session, are automatically imported for the effectivity unit. If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is cleared, you must manually select requirements in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session.

Line Discounts
Starts the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session.
Freight Amount
If, in the Freight Rates and Costs Parameters (fmfrc0100m000) session, the Rate and Carrier/LSP Selection at Order Line parameter is set to Interactive, this command starts the Freight Rates (fmfrc0530m000) session. From this session, you must select a carrier and service level combination based on which the freight amount can be calculated.

As a result, LN automatically fills the following fields:

  • Carrier/LSP
  • Freight Service Level
  • Freight Amount

In all other cases, this command just recalculates the freight amount without starting a session.

Show Quotation Lines for PCS Project
Only displays the sales quotation lines that are linked to the PCS project.

This command is only visible if the Sales Quotation Lines (tdsls1501m000) session is started from the Project Dashboard (tipcs0320m000) session.