Bill Of Entry (tdpur9140m90l)

Use this session to maintain the bill of entry data for warehouse or purchase receipt.


Bill Of Entry
The bill of entry number. Bill of entry number group and series are defined in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session.
Bill Of Entry Type
The type of bill of entry. This field can have the following values
  • Purchase: The type is Purchase when bill of entry is generated from the Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session.
  • Warehouse: The type is Warehouse when bill of entry is generated from the Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) session.
Importer Address
LN defaults the current address of the company. Use the browse arrow to select the address from the Addresses (tccom4530m000) session.
Receipt Number
The receipt number. If the Bill Of Entry Type is Warehouse, use the browse arrow to select the number from Warehouse Receipt Headers (whinh3110m000) session. In case the Bill Of Entry Type is Purchase, use the browse arrow to select the number from Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session.
Invoice Number
The invoice number. You must the enter the invoice number.
Invoice Date
The date of invoice. You must enter the date on which the invoice is created.
Customs Bill Of Entry
The customs bill of entry number provided by customs authorities.
Bill Of Entry Date
The date on which the customs bill of entry is issued.
Creation Date
The date on which the bill of entry is created.
The status of the bill of entry. This field can have the following values
  • Free: The status is Free when you create the bill of entry.
  • Approved: The status changes to Approved when bill of entry is approved.
Value Status
The value status of the bill of entry. This field can have the following values
  • Estimated: The value status is Estimated when you generate bill of entry
  • Actual: The value status is Actual when you enter the actual amounts or approve actual amounts.
Terms of Delivery
The terms of delivery agreed at the time of creating the transaction. You can update the terms of delivery from the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session.
Invoice Amount
The invoice amount. It is updated from the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session.
Invoice Amount
The currency to which the invoice amount belongs.
Insurance Amount
The insurance amount. You can calculate the assessable value and estimated landed cost using the same amount.
Insurance Amount
The home currency to which the insurance amount belongs.
Freight Amount
The freight charges incurred. You must enter the amount to calculate the Assessable Value for Imports and Estimated Landed Cost.
Total Duty
The total taxable amount.
Country Of Origin
The country where the transaction occurs. Use the browse arrow to select the country from the Countries (tcmcs0510m000) session.
No.Of Packages
The total number of packages.
Gross Weight
The gross weight of the items.
Gross Weight
The code of the inventory unit.
Customs House
The work place of the custom authorities. Use the browse arrow to select the country from the Countries (tcmcs0510m000) session.
Customs BP
The business partner for customs.
Port Of Loading
The port where the consignment is loaded. Use the browse arrow to select the country from the Countries (tcmcs0510m000) session.
Bill Of Ladding
The receipt number of the bill of lading. It is the receipt of the goods and contract.
Country Of Consign
The country from where the goods are consigned. Use the browse arrow to select the country from the Countries (tcmcs0510m000) session.
The tax registration number of the importer. The PAN (Permanent Account Number) is issued by the tax authorities.