Aggregate Taxes (tctax9141m00l)

This functionality is specific for India.

Use this session to view and define the structure of an aggregate tax code. You cannot change the tax structure of the tax when the Approved check box is selected.


Tax Country
The country code of the tax country. The value is defaulted from the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session. This is a display field.
Tax Country
The description or name of the code.
Aggregate Tax
The aggregate tax code for which the tax structure is shown. The value is defaulted from the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session.
Aggregate Tax
The description or name of the code.
The status of the aggregate tax code. The value is defaulted from the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session. This is a display field.
The number that identifies a layer. LN increments the layer value. The value can be from 1 to the value specified in the Number of Layers field of the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session. You can edit the value of the layer only when the layer Type is Tax.
The type of layer. For more information on layers, refer to To use layers in aggregate tax. This field can have the following values
  • Amount: For Layer with value 1, the Type is always set to Amount. The amount layer represents the amount on which the tax is calculated.
  • Tax: You can select Tax only from layer 2 onwards. The tax layer represents the tax amount calculated on the specified amount layer and shows the details of the tax. An aggregate tax code must have atleast one layer with Type field set to Tax.

The following table lists the fields and their status for each layer Type:

Field NameAmountTax
Amount originEnabledNot Applicable
Tax codeDisabledEnabled
Maximum tax amountDisabledEnabled
Kind of TaxNot ApplicableEnabled


Sequence Number
The sequence number specific to the layer. Sequence numbers are used to add multiple tax codes to a single tax layer and to apply different tax rates on the taxable amount. Each sequence number in a layer represents a different tax code and can be calculated on different layers. The layer with multiple sequence numbers represents the cumulative amount of all the taxes in that layer. LN increments the number in the layers with same Layer value and with Type Tax. For more information, refer to the To add multiple tax codes to a tax layer section in the To use layers in aggregate tax.

For layer of type Amount, the sequence number is always one.

The percentage of the amount on which tax is calculated. The value is always 100 for layer 1.

The field is enabled only when the field Type is set to Amount.

Amount Origin
The type of amount on which the tax is calculated. This field can have the following values

The field is enabled only when the field Type is set to Amount.

Tax Code
The tax code used to calculate the tax amount. Use the browse arrow to select the tax code from the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session. You can add only singular tax codes with approved status. You cannot add the same tax code to more than one layer or sequence.
  • The field is enabled only when the field Type is set to Tax.
  • For purchases and As Such sales, the aggregate tax must not have any tax code for which the Indirect Tax field is set to Natural Calamity Contingency Duty or AED for Textile and Textile Articles.
Tax Code
The description or name of the code.
Indirect Tax
The indirect tax associated with the Tax Code. The field is populated when the Tax Code is selected. This is a display field.
Tax Rate
The tax rate defined for the Tax Code. The field is populated when the Tax Code is selected. This is a display field.
Kind of Tax
The kind of tax. The field is populated when the Tax Code is selected. This is a display field.
The currency code for the amount specified in the Maximum Taxable Amount field.
Maximum Taxable Amount
The maximum amount for which the tax rate is applicable. This is used to define the tax rates for various pre-defined levels of taxable amounts.

The field is enabled only when the field Type is set to Tax.

Layer 1
If this check box is selected, the tax is calculated on the Layer with value 1. Layer 1 check box is enabled from the second layer onwards if the layer Type is Tax. For more information on selecting a check box, refer to the To select applicable layers section in To use layers in aggregate tax.
Layer 2
If this check box is selected, the tax is calculated on the Layer with value 2. Layer 2 check box is enabled from the third layer onwards if the layer Type is Tax. For more information on selecting a check box, refer to the To select applicable layers section in To use layers in aggregate tax.
Layer 3
If this check box is selected, the tax is calculated on the Layer with value 3. Layer 3 check box is enabled from the fourth layer onwards if the layer Type is Tax. For more information on selecting a check box, refer to the To select applicable layers section in To use layers in aggregate tax.
Layer 4
If this check box is selected, the tax is calculated on the Layer with value 4. Layer 4 check box is enabled from the fifth layer onwards if the layer Type is Tax. For more information on selecting a check box, refer to the To select applicable layers section in To use layers in aggregate tax.
Layer 5
If this check box is selected, the tax is calculated on the Layer with value 5. Layer 5 check box is enabled from the sixth layer onwards if the layer Type is Tax. For more information on selecting a check box, refer to the To select applicable layers section in To use layers in aggregate tax.
Layer 6
If this check box is selected, the tax is calculated on the Layer with value 6. Layer 6 check box is enabled from the seventh layer onwards if the layer Type is Tax. For more information on selecting a check box, refer to the To select applicable layers section in To use layers in aggregate tax.
Layer 7
If this check box is selected, the tax is calculated on the Layer with value 7. Layer 7 check box is enabled from the eighth layer onwards if the layer Type is Tax. For more information on selecting a check box, refer to the To select applicable layers section in To use layers in aggregate tax.
Layer 8
If this check box is selected, the tax is calculated on the Layer with value 8. Layer 8 check box is enabled from the ninth layer onwards if the layer Type is Tax. For more information on selecting a check box, refer to the To select applicable layers section in To use layers in aggregate tax.
Layer 9
If this check box is selected, the tax is calculated on the Layer with value 9. Layer 2 check box is enabled for the tenth layer if the layer Type is Tax. For more information on selecting a check box, refer to the To select applicable layers section in To use layers in aggregate tax.


Print Aggregate Taxes
Starts the Print Aggregate Taxes (tctax9441m00l) session which prints the aggregate tax details.
Insert before
Inserts a new layer before the selection.
Tax Simulator
Starts the Tax Simulator (tctax9141m30l) session, where you can specify the possible transaction details to view the tax amounts.