Registration Numbers By Financial Company (tctax9140m00l)

This functionality is specific for India.

Use this session to set up tax registration numbers for each entity in your company.


Sequence Number
LN generates the unique sequence number.
Financial Company
The financial company for which you define the tax registration number. Click the browse arrow to select the financial company from Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.
Financial Company Description
The description of the financial company.
The code of the state or the province for which the tax registration number is valid. Click the browse arrow to select the state or the province from States/Provinces (tcmcs1143m000) session.
The description of the state or the province.
The code of the city for which the tax registration number is valid. Click the browse arrow to select city from Cities by Country (tccom4539m000) session.
The type of tax and the type of tax registration number.

This field can have the following values

  • PAN: Select the option to maintain the Permanent Account Numbers (PAN) issued by Income Tax Department. The Entity Type and Entity fields are disabled.
  • TAN: Select the option to maintain the Tax Deduction and Collection Account Numbers (TAN) for your company. The Entity Type and Entity fields are disabled.
  • Service: Select the option to maintain the registration numbers required for payment of service tax.
  • Excise: Select the option to maintain the Excise Control Code (ECC) issued by Central Board of Excise and Customs.
  • VAT: Select the option to maintain the VAT registration numbers issued by the Sales Tax Department.
  • Local Sales Tax: Select the option to maintain the sales tax registration numbers for each state.
  • Central Sales Tax: Select the option to maintain the sales tax registration numbers as per the Central Sales Tax Act.
  • Entry Tax: Select the option to maintain the registration numbers as per the States Entry Tax Act. The Entity Type and Entity fields are disabled.

The Entity Type field is populated based on the value selected in this field.

Entity Type
The entity in your organization, for which the registration numbers are maintained.

This field can have the following values

  • Sales Office: The field is populated with this value when the Category field is set to Local Sales Tax or Central Sales Tax or Service or Excise or VAT.
  • Purchase Office: The field is populated with this value when the Category field is set to Local Sales Tax or Central Sales Tax or Service or Excise or VAT.
  • Service Department: The field is populated with this value only when the Category field is set to Service.
  • Warehouse: The field is populated with this value only when the Category field is set to Excise.
  • Manufacturer: The field is populated with this value only when the Category field is set to Excise.
  • The field is populated based on the value specified in the Category field.
  • The field is disabled when the Category field is set to PAN or TAN or Entry Tax.
The department or cost centre for which the tax registration number is valid. Use the browse arrow to select the entity from the Key Entities (tcemm1510m000) session.

This field is enabled only when you select excise or service in the Category field.

  • If the Category and Entity Type fields are set to Excise and Manufacturer respectively, LN allows you to select only manufacturer as an entity. Use the browse arrow to select a manufacturer from the Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000) session.
  • If you select service, LN allows you to select only service department as an entity.
  • The field is disabled when the Category field is set to PAN or TAN or Entry Tax.

Effective Date
The date and time from when the registration number for a specific Entity Type is effective. LN uses the registration number until the specified Expiry Date.
Expiry Date
The date and time when the registration number for a specific Entity Type expires. You can define registration numbers for different periods.
Registration Number
The tax registration number assigned to your company by the tax authorities.

You must enter a unique Excise Control Code (ECC) number for each financial company, when the Category field is set to Excise.

Enter a description of the kind of tax.


Print Registration Numbers By Financial Company
Starts the Print Registration Numbers By Financial Company (tctax9440m00l) session, where you can select the range of records of the sequence numbers that you want to print. You can also select the appropriate print options.
Effective Registration Numbers Only
Displays only the effective registration numbers for the financial company.