Terms and conditions templates

Use terms and conditions templates to perform the following:

  • Generate new terms and conditions agreements for business partners.
  • Update existing terms and conditions agreements.
  • Validate terms and conditions agreements.
Generating terms and conditions agreements based on a template

A template is a generic terms and conditions agreement not applicable to any business partner. Usually, the template data represents a business process. For setting up terms and conditions for a business partner, you can use a template to copy the data from. Therefore, you can store default data in a terms and conditions template, which facilitates data entry in a terms and conditions agreement.

Before you can generate agreements from a template, you must complete the following steps:

Step 1. Set up master data

Set up the terms and conditions master data. For more information, refer to Setting up terms and conditions.

Step 2. Specify a template header

In the Terms and Conditions - Templates (tctrm1600m100) session, specify a template header and select a terms and conditions type.

Step 3. Specify template data at different levels

You can add lots of data to the template at various levels. The level of detail of the template data is user-definable.

For example, a template can contain the following:

  • Search levels
  • Search levels, lines, and terms and condition details
  • One search level with empty search attributes, lines, and terms and condition details
  • Search levels with filled attributes, lines with empty attributes, and detailed terms and conditions

You can specify the various levels in the following sessions:

  • Terms and Conditions (tctrm1600m000)
  • Terms and Conditions Search Level (tctrm1610m000)
  • Terms and Conditions Line (tctrm1620m000)

For more information, refer to Setting up terms and conditions.

Step 4. Generate a terms and conditions agreements from a template

In the Generate Terms and Conditions from Template (tctrm2200m000) session, specify the template from which a new agreement must be generated.

  • If you start his session from the Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000) session or the Sales Contract - Lines (tdsls3600m000) session, the newly generated agreement is automatically linked to the ( Free) contract.
  • If you start this session from the Enterprise Unit - Enterprise Unit Relationships (tcemm0134m000) session, the newly generated internal agreement is automatically linked to the enterprise unit relationship.

If the template contains lines with empty attributes and detailed terms and conditions, the newly generated agreement only contains a header and search levels. Therefore, in the Terms and Conditions Line (tctrm1620m000) session or the Terms and Conditions Lines (tctrm1120m000) session, you must do the following:

Updating terms and conditions agreements based on a template

Because business processes change, you can also make changes to the template. These changes can be copied to the terms and conditions agreements generated from the template.

To update the terms and conditions agreement(s) with the template changes, the following steps are completed:

Step 1. Terms and Conditions derived from Template (tctrm2100m000)

LN updates the Terms and Conditions derived from Template (tctrm2100m000) session when a terms and conditions agreement is generated from the template and uses this session to view which terms and conditions agreements must be included in the global update process. During the global update process template changes are copied to the linked terms and conditions agreement(s).

Step 2. Template Changes (tctrm2105m000)

If at least one terms and conditions agreement is generated from the template, the Template Changes (tctrm2105m000) session registers the changes made to the template.

The following types of changes are registered:

  • Add
    A new record is added to the template.
  • Delete
    A record is deleted from the template.
  • Change
    A change is made to a field in the template.

To include the template change in the global update process, select the Use in Global Update check box.

Step 3. Global Update of Terms and Conditions (tctrm2205m000)

Use this session to globally update the terms and conditions agreements derived from the template, with the changes made to the template.

In this session, you must select the type of agreement that must be updated. You can also select the following check boxes:

  • Simulate
    The process is performed, but the agreements are not yet updated with the template changes. For example, you can use this check box to generate and check the error report before you update the agreements.
  • Overwrite Manual Changes
    The relevant data in the terms and conditions agreement is overwritten with the template change data. Therefore, if you already manually changed data in the terms and conditions agreement, these changes are overwritten. If you do not select this check box, the template change data only overwrites the terms and conditions agreement data if the template's Old Value is equal to the current value in the terms and conditions agreement.
  • Remove Template Changes
    The template changes are removed from the Template Changes (tctrm2105m000) session after the terms and conditions agreements are updated with these changes. You can also remove the template changes with the Global Delete Template Changes (tctrm2205m100) session.
Validating terms and conditions agreements against a template

To validate a terms and conditions agreement against a template, you must first run the search simulation process from the Terms and Conditions - Searches (tctrm2150m000) session. For more information, refer to Retrieval of terms and conditions.

To enable the validation process, the following steps are completed:

  1. Specify a template in the Validation Template field of the Terms and Conditions - Searches (tctrm2150m000) session.
  2. Click Print match with Validation Template on the appropriate menu of the Terms and Conditions - Search Results (tctrm2151m000) session. The retrieved terms and conditions agreement is validated against the entered Validation Template.
  3. For the defined search attributes in the Terms and Conditions - Searches (tctrm2150m000) session, the applicable terms and conditions are retrieved.
  4. For the same search attributes, the applicable terms and conditions are retrieved from the validation template.
  5. The terms and conditions that differ from the values in the validation template are marked with an asterik on the report.