Business partner data by financial company

If you define a business partner, you define financial data in the following roles:

  • Invoice-to
  • Pay-by
  • Invoice-from
  • Pay-to

For example, the financial data includes:

  • The currency and the exchange rate type.
  • The invoicing method.
  • The credit control details.
  • The bank relation and bank account number.
  • The payment terms.
  • The financial business partner group for Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable

Other business partner financial data consists of the open billing request amount, the open invoice balance, and aging summaries which LN stores separately for each sales office or purchase office.

In a multifinancial company structure, the business partner’s financial data can vary by financial company. The financial data can vary, for example, in a single logistic, multifinancial company structure in which the financial companies reside in different countries.

For example, in various countries the business partner can use different invoicing methods, and different bank relations. In such a situation, you can define the business partner’s financial roles separately for each financial company. LN uses the financial company's accounting office to link the specific financial business partner details to the financial company.

Business partner data by financial company

If you define business partner data by financial company, the following rules apply:

  • You must supply default business partner financial details, which are not linked to a specific financial company. LN uses the default details for the financial companies for which you do not define specific details.
  • You can specify the business partner’s credit limit as part of the default financial data for all departments of the logistic company, or by financial company.
  • In a company of type Both, you can enter the financial business partner data without changing companies.
  • To enter the financial business partner data for a company of the type Financial, you must work in the financial company. For the business partner department, you must select the financial company's accounting office.
  • If you define the business partners in a company of the type Logistic, you cannot enter the default financial data in the logistic company, because in a logistic company, the tables for the financial data do not exist. You must change to the financial group company of the multicompany structure to enter the default financial business partner data.