Installment Lines (tcmcs2141m000)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain the lines for a default installment schedule or supplier stage payment schedule.


Schedule Set
The position number of the line on the installment schedule or supplier stage payment schedule.
The description of the line.
Invoice Day
The number of days between the order date and the (planned) invoice date of the line.
The percentage of the total net order (line) amount that is allocated to the line.

When a line is added, a percentage will be inserted. For the first line the default is 100 percent. For every other added line, the default percentage is as follows:

100 - total percentage of other lines. 

When percentages are updated, LN checks whether the total percentage of the lines does not exceed 100 percent.

Installment Type
If this check box is selected, text is linked to the line.