Update Calendars (tcccp0226m000)

Use this session to update the working hours and the capacity details for the specified calendars and availability types.

Use the From and To fields that correspond to the Calendar Code field to specify the range of calendars for which you want to update the working hours and capacity details in the Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000) session.

Use the Only Changed Calendars check box and the Process Child Calendars check box to determine whether or not LN must update only calendars of which data have changed, and/or the child calendars of the specified range of calendars.


Calendar Code
The range of calendar codes for which LN must update the working hours and capacity details.
Availability Type
The range of availability types for which LN must update the working hours and capacity details.
Only Changed Calendars
If this check box is selected, LN only updates the working hours and capacity details of the calendars of which data has changed since the last update.
Process Child Calendars
If this check box is selected, LN also updates the child calendars of the calendars included in the calendar range that you specified in the From and To fields that correspond to the Calendar Code field.
Restore Calendar Defaults
If this check box is selected, LN undoes any manual changes to the calendar that you introduced in the Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000) session and restores the default recurrences and unavailable days.
Process Report
If this check box is selected, a progress report is generated to keep you informed of the progress of the updating.
Error Report
If this check box is selected, any errors encountered in the updating are included in an error report.


Starts the update procedure for the selected calendars.