Print Subcontracting Instructions (fmfoc3410m000)

Use this session to print subcontracting instructions. You can print subcontracting instructions for ranges of Actual freight order line clusters or loads for which the load status ranges from Actual to Completed. The instructions are listed by freight order cluster and planned load date. The subcontracting instructions constitute the actual subcontracting order.

You can print Pro Forma or Final versions of subcontracting instructions. You can print the Pro Forma version and reprint the Final version as often as you want. When the Final version is printed for a cluster, the freight order line cluster is completed and receives the Subcontracted status. When the Final version is printed for a load, the Subcontracted check box is selected for the load.

If an EDI relation is set up with the carrier, an EDI message to notify the carrier of the subcontracting order is generated if you print the Final version of the subcontracting instructions. If you reprint the subcontracting instructions, generating EDI messages is optional.

To print subcontracting instructions, you must first indicate whether the subcontracting instructions must be printed for loads or Actual freight order clusters. Next, you must enter the criteria to select the loads or shipments for which you want to print subcontracting instructions.


Print Instructions For
Print Subcontracting Instructions For
Select these options to print subcontracting instructions for Load or Freight Order Cluster.
Print Subcontracting Instructions
Subcontracting Instructions
For subcontracting instructions, the following versions are available:
  • Pro Forma
    Select this option to print the Pro Forma version of the subcontracting instructions for the selected freight order clusters. If you select this option, the Error Report check box is selected as well, you cannot clear this check box.
  • Final
    Select this option to print the Final version of the subcontracting instructions for the selected freight order clusters. If you select this option, the Error Report check box and the Prepare EDI Messages check box are selected as well. You can clear the Error Report check box, but you cannot clear the Prepare EDI Messages check box. In addition, the status of the freight order clusters for which you print the subcontracting instructions is set to Subcontracted. If the Final version of the subcontracting instructions is printed for a load, the Subcontracted check box is selected for the load.
  • Reprint
    Select this option to reprint the Final version of the subcontracting instructions. You can reprint the Final version as often as you want, but you cannot change the contents. If you select this option, the Error Report check box is automatically selected and the Prepare EDI Messages check box is enabled. You cannot clear the Error Report check box.

When the selected version is printed for a cluster, the freight order line cluster is completed and receives the Subcontracted status. When the Final version is printed for a load, the Subcontracted check box is selected for the load.

Error Report
If this check box is selected, an error report on the printing process is generated.
Prepare EDI Messages
If this check box is selected, EDI messages notifying the carrier of the forthcoming subcontracting instructions are prepared.
Shipping Office
The shipping office related to the clusters or loads for which you want to print subcontracting instructions.
Shipping Office
The shipping office related to the clusters or loads for which you want to print subcontracting instructions.
Planning Group
The planning group related to the clusters or loads for which you want to print subcontracting instructions.
Planning Group
The planning group related to the clusters or loads for which you want to print subcontracting instructions.
Selection Range
The first load plan of the range of load plans to which the loads belong for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for loads that match the criteria entered in the previous fields, and belong to a load plan that falls within the selected range of plans. The Plan fields are enabled if the Load option in the Print Instructions For area is enabled.
The last load plan of the range of load plans to which the loads belong for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for loads that match the criteria entered in the previous fields, and belong to a load plan that falls within the selected range of plans. The Plan fields are enabled if the Load option in the Print Instructions For area is enabled.
The first load of the range of loads for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for loads that fall within the selected range and match the criteria entered in the previous fields. The Load fields are enabled if the Load option in the Print Instructions For area is enabled.
The last load of the range of loads for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for loads that fall within the selected range and match the criteria entered in the previous fields. The Load fields are enabled if the Load option in the Print Instructions For area is enabled.
Freight Order Cluster
The first freight order cluster of the range of freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters that fall within in the selected freight order cluster range, and match the criteria entered in the previous fields. The Freight Order Cluster fields are enabled if the Freight Order Cluster option in the Print Instructions For is enabled.
Freight Order Cluster
The first freight order cluster of the range of freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters that fall within in the selected freight order cluster range, and match the criteria entered in the previous fields. The Freight Order Cluster fields are enabled if the Freight Order Cluster option in the Print Instructions For is enabled.
The first carrier of the range of carriers of the loads or freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters or loads that fall within the selected carrier range and match the criteria entered in the previous fields.
The last carrier of the range of carriers of the loads or freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters or loads that fall within the selected carrier range and match the criteria entered in the previous fields.
Transport Means Group
The first transport means group of the range of transport means groups of the loads or freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters or loads that fall within the selected transport means group range, and that match the criteria entered in the previous fields.
Transport Means Group
The last transport means group of the range of transport means groups of the loads or freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters or loads that fall within the selected transport means group range, and that match the criteria entered in the previous fields.
Transport Means Combination
A combined means of transport that consists of various vehicle types and/or means of transport which jointly transport a load. If a transport means combination includes more than one means of transport, Freight can perform load building for more than one means of transport per load. Transport means combinations are also used in freight order clustering. A transport means combination shows the combined means of transport that is to transport the goods listed on a freight order cluster.
Transport Means Combination
A combined means of transport that consists of various vehicle types and/or means of transport which jointly transport a load. If a transport means combination includes more than one means of transport, Freight can perform load building for more than one means of transport per load. Transport means combinations are also used in freight order clustering. A transport means combination shows the combined means of transport that is to transport the goods listed on a freight order cluster.
Transport Type
The first transport type of the range of transport types of the loads or freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters or loads that fall within the selected transport type range, and that match the criteria entered in the previous fields.
Transport Type
The last transport type of the range of transport types of the loads or freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters or loads that fall within the selected transport type range, and that match the criteria entered in the previous fields.
Load Date
The first load date of the range of planned load dates of the loads or freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters or loads that fall within the selected range of planned load dates, and that match the criteria entered in the previous fields.
Load Date
The last load date of the range of planned load dates of the loads or freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters or loads that fall within the selected range of planned load dates, and that match the criteria entered in the previous fields.
Unload Date
The first unload date of the range of planned unload dates of the loads or freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters or loads that fall within the selected range of planned unload dates, and that match the criteria entered in the previous fields.
Unload Date
The last unload date of the range of planned unload dates of the loads or freight order clusters for which you want to print subcontracting instructions. Subcontracting instructions are printed for freight order clusters or loads that fall within the selected range of planned unload dates, and that match the criteria entered in the previous fields.
Freight Order Lines
If this check box is selected, cluster line details are printed. If you do not select this option, only the overall header information is printed for the clusters for which you print subcontracting instructions.
If this check box is selected, BOM line details are printed. If you do not select this option, only the overall header information is printed for the clusters for which you print subcontracting instructions.
Print to predefined Device
If this check box is selected, LN selects the default device defined for the user profile to print the report.

By default, this field checked by LN.

Print Text
If this check box is selected, existing load texts are printed for the loads for which you print subcontracting instructions.
If this check box is selected, existing shipment texts are printed for the loads for which you print subcontracting instructions.
Shipment Line
If this check box is selected, existing shipment line texts are printed for the loads for which you print subcontracting instructions.
Freight Order Cluster
If this check box is selected, existing freight order cluster texts are printed for the clusters for which you print subcontracting instructions.
Freight Order Cluster Line
If this check box is selected, existing freight order cluster line texts are printed for the clusters for which you print subcontracting instructions.