Creating or modifying a process to generate milestones

  1. Open Infor Process Designer, and create a new or load an existing process file.
  2. On the Info tab of process properties, select Generate Milestones.
  3. Add or update activity nodes as needed.
  4. On the Milestone tab of the activity property, specify this information:
    Is a milestone
    Select Is a milestone if the activity is a milestone.
    To customize a label, specify a label in the Label field. See Configuring milestone labels dynamically in User Action nodes for details.
    Run Mode
    Select a run mode.
    Pre-run only
    The pre-run phase is the act of executing a work unit to gather data to generate the Process Indicator model. During pre-run, only activity nodes marked as pre-run are executed. The pre-run execution phase happens before the runtime phase. Typically, pre-run is used for Landmark nodes that have record query definitions.
    Run time only
    The runtime phase is the actual work unit execution.
    Both (Run time + Pre-run)
    These nodes are executed during the pre-run and runtime phases. Typically, these are used by Landmark nodes that have CRUD (Create, Update, Delete) actions that also affect the pre-run phase.
  5. Click Save.