The Msg Builder activity node
Use the Msg Builder node to collect values for a query using Infor Lawson Query or SQL Query. You would use this node when you are executing a "loop" in which multiple values might need to be stored.
For example, suppose Msg Builder is part of a process that checks inventory to see if the stock-on-hand value for an item has reached zero. If such information is found, that information is then sent in an e-mail to the buyer. If a Msg Builder activity node were not included as part of this process, an e-mail would be sent each time the Data call found an item that was no longer in stock. With Msg Builder, one e-mail can be sent that contains a variable that will find at runtime all items that are not in stock and include them in the e-mail along with non-variable message content.
You can collect data from two or more Data calls by giving each Msg Builder activity node the same variable name (they would still need different names within the process). When you use that variable name in an e-mail, the content from the second Msg Builder activity node is appended to the content from the first Msg Builder activity node in that e-mail.
Links to forms
You can insert a link to a form's URL in your message text. Recipients can click the link you send them and if they have been set up with the appropriate Infor Lawson security, view the form and perform actions on that form consistent with their Infor Lawson security setup.