Configuring dbexport options

The DbExport Builder is used to set up dbexport commands.

  1. Select the location to where the data will be exported:
    • Directory: data is saved in a directory.

    • File: data is saved in a file.

    • Variable: data is stored in a variable, which can be used later in the process.
      Note: When a Landmark Admin node performs a DbExport and Export to Variable is selected, the exported data is no longer logged to the work unit log. If logging exported data is required, an Assign node can be added to the flow that runs this script:;.
  2. Specify this information:
    Work file export

    Select this check box to indicate that the export is a work file.

    Note: Only one business class can be selected during a work file export.
    Work file name

    Specify the name of the work file.

    Export to database instead of file system

    Select this check box to store the export data in the File Storage business class.

    The database limit is 2 GB per file. The key for the table depends on the selected location in step 1. For example, if you selected Directory and specified C:\temp and the business class being exported is PfiWorkunit, then the key will be C:\temp\PfiWorkunit.csv.

    Note: In a multi-tenant environment, the dbexport function will automatically write the export content to the database.
    Include user fields

    Select this check box if user fields must be exported.

    Do not export large objects

    Select this check box to not export large object fields (LOB). LOB fields could be text, character LOB fields (CLOB), or binary LOB fields (BLOB).

    Field separator

    Specify the character used to separate each column in the exported data. Comma (,) is standard in csv format and the default for export.

    Field delimiter

    Specify the character used to wrap each column data. Quotation mark (") is standard in csv format and the default for export.

    Decimal separator

    Specify the character used to indicate decimal number such as a period (.) or comma (,).

    Date/time format:

    Specify the date and time format.


    Specify the locale to be used for the date format.

    Locale is used in combination with the date/time format.

    Filter string

    Specify the filter expression used to select rows to export.

    Filter string only applies to single business class export.

    Data area

    Select the data area from where the data will be exported.

    Use variable for data area

    Specify a variable that holds the data area name such as <!appProdline>. If a value is specified here, data will be exported from this data area. Data area must be selected to build the command.


    Select one or more modules from which to export data.

    This is a list of available modules in the specified data area.

    Modules/Business classes

    Select one or more business classes from which to export data. If none is selected, all tables in the data area will be exported.

    This is a list of business classes for the selected modules.


    This only applies to a single business class.

    This is a list of fields in the selected business class.

    Set name

    Select from the list of sets or indices in the business class. Set affects the fields that are displayed. Only the fields that belong in this set will be displayed.

    This only applies to a single business class.

  3. Click OK.

    The selected fields are displayed in the Activity information section of the General tab.