Wild cards

Two types of wild cards are available for file matching: Normal, or simple, wild cards and Java Regex matching.


Files with no extension will not be matched. You must always use a wild card character (*) if you cannot predict the file extension.

Normal wild card matching

Normal wild card matching is similar to the type of wild cards typically used with search engines and in database queries. To use this type of wild card, add an asterisk (*) in the string and it will act as a placeholder for one or more characters.

This table shows how this type of matching behaves based on the position of the asterisk:

Position Description
test* Locates all files that begin with the letters "test"
te*t Locates all files that begin with "te" and end in "t"
*est Locates all files that end with the letters "est"

Java Regex matching

In the Java Regex pattern, file selection matching is based on the java.util.regex pattern class, which is a compiled representation of a regular expression.

You should have prerequisite knowledge with this pattern class. For more information, see available documentation on the web.

We recommend that you test any file name matching pattern and case sensitivity settings to ensure that only targeted files will be selected for processing before you use them in a production environment.

This table shows examples of how file matching works:

Files to be matched Syntax
Files that have a file extension of ".txt"




File names that start with "Dept3" and have a file extension of ".rpt"




Files that include "reg1" anywhere in the file name, including the file name extension .*reg1.*
File that include "salesresults" anywhere in the file name and have a file extension of ".txt" .*salesresults.*\.txt$
Files that include "salesresults" or "SalesResults" anywhere in the file name and have a file extension of ".txt"


