Restrictions and limitations

Even though the inbox loads the Landmark application form, several restrictions and limitations currently exist:

  • Some functions in the IPA Inbasket UI, such as adding a message to the workunit, are not supported in the inbox.
  • Adding/removing users to and from the IPA task list and changing user category filtering will not be applied to the existing user actions in the Inbox. These changes will be applied only to the future user actions that will be created. However, the IPA Inbasket is dynamic and all the changes would be applied immediately.
  • An error will occur if these conditions are met:
    • Both IPA and Inbox are enabled
    • Changes are made to the IPA user task list or filter category list
    • You try to take action on the IPA Inbasket with the newly added/changed user

    The error occurred because the user does not exist in the Inbox distribution list. When IPA communicates back to the common inbox to remove it from the inbox, Infor OS Portal will show an error which states that it does not recognize the user who took the action.

    We recommend that you use the Inbox when enabled to avoid discrepancies.

  • When the Inbox is enabled, IPA administrators who were not part of the initial user distribution list cannot directly take action through a workunit, similar to the previous scenario.

    Optionally, IPA administrators can be added to the distribution list of a task in the Inbox for a corresponding task in IPA and then take action on the IPA workunit. To do this, you must identify the task ID by searching for the corresponding workunit on the Inbox.

  • Depending on how busy IPA and the network are, a delay can happen when removing a task from the inbox after taking the action.
  • IPA proxy is currently not supported in Inbox. Proxied users will not see the tasks in their inbox.