Updating the delivered URL with your landing page

In Web 10x, the menu page is the landing page which is configurable. A process server administrator can change the look and feel of the landing page.

The URL is in this format:

  1. Access the Process Server Administrator and select Configuration > Inbasket Landing Page.
  2. Click the Open button for Infor, which is the default page.
  3. From the Inbasket Landing Pages list, select Actions > Create or click the New icon on the toolbar.
  4. Specify this information:
    Inbasket Landing Page

    Assign a name to your new page. This can be anything you want to use, but if you are creating multiple pages, each name must be unique on your IPA system.

    Inbasket Landing Page Zip

    Download the InbasketLandingPageZip file onto your system. This zip file contains the HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript tools you need to make customizations.

    Infor delivers this zip file to %LACFGDIR%/LPS.

  5. Save your changes.

    The new page you created is on the Inbasket Landing Pages list with the default URL.

  6. You can now use the tools to make changes to the Welcome.html, which is delivered in InbasketLandingPageZip, and other files as needed to create your customized page.
  7. When you are finished creating your landing page, upload it. To do this, open the Inbasket Landing Pages record (MyNewPage, in this example) and browse to select the InbasketLandingPageZip file you just modified.