Display types

This table shows the display types supported by each device type:

Display type Desktop Tablet Phone
Action request x x x
Content x x x
File x x x
HTML content x
ISO display content x
ISO display file x
Infor Lawson Custom form x
Infor Lawson URL x
Infor Lawson application x
Infor M3 URL x
Infor M3 application x
Landmark URL x x x
Landmark application x x x
None x x x
Process default x
URL x x x

Action request

You can tie an LPL action request to an IPA process. The LPL action can then be tied to an LPL form. When users go to their Inbaskets to take an action on the process, the specified form appears and they can take action from that form.

The option Action Request, which allows you to select Approver vs. Final approver, is for back-end validation in the application running the action request.

Automatic Deployment of HTML files for Inbasket

During LSF patch installations that deliver a new bpm.ear, any html files in LSF's <LAWDIR>/bpm/inbasketexecs are automatically added to a newly delivered bpm.ear during patching.


The Content display type is for including additional information from an outside source with a work item. For example, one use of this display type would be to include review articles of items being considered for purchase. The information is pasted into the user's Inbasket.

When you select the Content display type, you can click the Import button to locate the content you want to appear in the Inbasket. You can also type the content directly into the text box.


Like the Content display type, the File display type is for including additional information from an outside source with a work item. The example of including review articles of items being considered for purchase also applies here. In this case, you supply a location on a server for the file.

When you select the File display type, you specify the location of the file on the server.


This display type is used with Infor Lawson applications and is often used to display Lawson application data. A custom HTML form can be displayed.

When you select the HTML display type, you are prompted to supply the location of the *.html (for example, recsum.html) that should be used.

See Customizing HTML display for Inbasket.

HTML Content

When you select the HTML Content display type, you are prompted to import HTML custom content that you want to display in the user's Inbasket. (You can also type directly on the input box.)

The result of the HTML formatting appears in the user's Inbasket.

ISO Display Content


Infor Process Designer delivers samples that can be used for creating custom displays for ISO to this location: <IPD_install_dir>\IPD\samples\LSODisplays

This display type displays in Infor Smart Office as custom content.

When you select the ISO Display Content display type, you are prompted to import the XML custom content that you want to display in the user's Inbasket.

The result is that the user Inbasket displays according to your needs as specified by your XML code.

ISO Display file

This display type displays in Infor Smart Office as custom content.

When you select the ISO Display file display type, you are prompted to supply the location of an XML file that contains the custom content you want to display in the user's Inbasket.

The result is that the user Inbasket is displayed according to your needs as specified by your XML code.

Infor Lawson Custom form

Use this display type to display your custom Design Studio form.


Custom forms are created and updated in Infor Lawson Design Studio, which is purchased separately.

When you select the Infor Lawson Custom form display type, you are prompted to specify the name of your custom form, for example, cu01.1.myversion.xml.

The custom form is displayed in the user’s Inbasket.

See Customizing Infor Lawson custom form display for Inbasket.

Infor Lawson URL

This display type can be used to display an Infor Lawson form in the Inbasket.

The URL has to use the SForms protocol. (Information is in the SForms Developer's Guide.)

When you select the Infor Lawson URL display type, you are prompted to supply a URL in the correct format, for example, sforms://cu01.1?_PDL=YOUR_APP_PL&HK=USD

This form will be displayed in the user's Inbasket.

Infor Lawson application

The Infor Lawson application display type displays an Infor Lawson form in the user's Inbasket.

To use this display type, you must be knowledgeable about the Infor Lawson application and how fields, keys and so on must be referenced by calling applications.

When you select the Infor Lawson application display type, you are prompted to supply this information:

  • Token: The complete ID of the form you want the user to link to, for example, HR11.1.

  • Product line

  • Keys: Values for key fields. You can add multiple keys. Separators are not needed but the length of the key data must be accounted for.

    For example, if you want to use "USD" and "Name" as keys, you can type them as USDName as long as USD is stored as three spaces. If USD is stored as four spaces, type the keys as USD Name so that the space accounts for the extra space.

  • View form: If this option is selected, the result is an internal link to the form in users' Inbaskets.

Infor M3 URL

The Infor M3 URL display type displays a link to an M3 form.

This section describes syntax for an URL.

Required parameters

The parameters in this section are mandatory.

Name Description Example value Constraints
program The name of the M3 program to start. MMS003 Up to 10 uppercase characters
tablename The name of the M3 database table. MITFAC
keys The unique key names and values for the record. The parameter should contain "key-1,value-1,key-2,value-2,key-n,value-n", see example. The values should be URL encoded using UTF-8. M9CONO,330,M9FACI,A01,M9ITNO,TEST

Optional parameters

The parameters in this section are optional.

Name Description Default value Example value Constraints
panel The panel to open. none E 1 uppercase character. E-O | Q-Z | 1-9 (A, B, C, D, and P are not valid for bookmarks)
option The option to use when opening a panel. none 2 Numeric 1-99
startpanel The start panel for the panel sequence. Set by the Business Engine program. B A or B
panelsquence The panel sequence Set by the Business Engine program. EFG Up to 10 uppercase characters
focus The name of the field to set keyboard focus to. Set by the Business Engine program. WWITNO Up to 10 uppercase characters
includestartpanel Indicates if the start panel should be used. true false "true" or "false" only
inquirytype The inquiry type to use Set by the Business Engine program. 1
fields Fields to set on the start panel. The syntax for the value is the same as for the keys parameter, see above. none W1OBKV,20

M3 URL examples:

Example 1: minimal

This bookmark uses only the minimum required parameters to start MMS003 and position on the item TEST.


Example 2: detail panel

This bookmark opens the E-panel in MMS003 for the item TEST.


Example 3: detail panel without start panel

This bookmark opens the E-panel in MMS003 for the item TEST but the start panel is not part of the panel sequence.


Example 4: all parameters

This bookmarks uses all available parameters.


Infor M3 application

The M3 application display type displays a link to an M3 form.

When you select the Infor M3 application display type, you are prompted to select information that defines the information to be used in the display.

The result is an internal link to the form in the user's Inbasket.

Name Description
program The name of the M3 program to start. This selection is required.
tablename The name of the M3 database table. This selection is required.
panel The panel to open.
option The option to use when opening the panel.
startpanel The start panel for the panel sequence (set by the Business Engine program).
panelsequence The panel sequence (set by the Business Engine program).
focus The name of the field to set keyboard focus to (set by the Business Engine program).
includestartpanel Indicates if the start panel should be used. (True, false; default is true.)
inquirytype The inquiry type to use (set by the Business Engine program).

Select the unique key names and values for the record.

This selection is required.

Landmark URL

The Landmark URL display type presents the user with a link to the specified Landmark application.

When you select Landmark URL display type, you are prompted to supply a URL to a Landmark component.

Landmark application

The Landmark application display type presents the user with a link to the specified Landmark application.

When you select Landmark application display type, you are prompted to supply this information:

  • Web app: This can be any web application because the Inbasket is available within the Landmark Framework. For example, you can specify Lpa.

  • Business class

  • Navigation name: This needs to be created within the Configuration Console as a navigation to the User Business Class created for this.

  • Names of keys and key values


If you select "None" for display type, the Details tab does not appear in the Inbasket.

Process default

If Process default is selected, the display type that is set for the process will be used. If you select on an empty spot on the Designer canvas, it will load the Properties window for the process. Among the two tabs that are displayed, User Node allows you to specify a display type that can be used for all the user action nodes on the process. The display type specified in the User Action node will override the process default display.


When you specify a URL, the Inbasket loads the webpage you specify.

When you select the URL display type, you are prompted to supply a URL.

This display type presents the user with an external web link.