
Through a set of tabs available from More > Settings, users can determine behavior visual, functional, and productivity.

Keyboard shortcuts are also available for viewing from these tabs.


Settings you change here are in place until you change them again. If you are changing a setting temporarily, for example, you are making the number of records included in a report "No Limit" to accommodate a large report, be sure to change the setting back when the report finishes.

Visual tab

Use this group of settings to affect how your applications display on-screen.

  • Use Compact Form Layout: Use the toggle to turn on by default. For more information about compact form layout, see Using compact mode.
  • Accessibility Mode: Enables compatibility with software tools for visually impaired users, such as, JAWS.
  • Preferred Application: You can select an application from the list to open automatically when you log in. For example, if your company uses, HR Talent and you primarily use the Health and Safety Management module, you can set it as your preferred application.

Click Save to make the change.

Functional tab

Use this group of settings to affect how functions such as output to PDF or CSV and record counts perform.

  • PDF/CSV Maximum Wait Time to Print: You can configure a maximum time to wait before a report begins printing. Options are:
    • Never Wait
    • 5 Seconds
    • 10 Seconds (Default)
    • 15 Seconds
  • Default Record Limit: You can determine the maximum amount of records that should be included in a report. Options are:
    • System Default: This is the number of records configured by your system administrator for Landmark as a whole.
    • No Limit: All records are included. You might select this option if you have a record set that is larger than the system default but your report needs to include all records.
  • As Of Date: If you want to include only records that have been changed as of a particular date, select the end date from the calendar.

Productivity tab

Use this group of settings to change the behavior of your screen per your preferences.

  • Toast Message. Use these options to determine position and duration of pop-up messages that display on your screen.
    For Position, options are:
    • Default
    • Top Left
    • Top Right
    • Bottom Left
    • Bottom Right
  • For Duration, options are:
    • Shorter: The pop-up stays open shorter than the default time.
    • Default
    • Longer: The pop-up stays open longer than the default time.
  • Search Mode: Options are:
    • Active (Default): The search begins as soon as you begin typing data in a field.
    • Passive: The search begins after you press Enter. One reason to use passive mode is that it allows you to specify data in multiple fields before the search starts looking for records.