Creating Schedule Templates

Use this procedure to create a schedule template. A schedule template provides a predefined set of scheduling rules so that when you schedule a background action, you can simply select a template instead of specifying the scheduling rules on the Schedules form itself.


You can modify a schedule that has been added through a template without affecting the template. To do this, access the background action in My Actions and edit the schedule. Also, when you select a scheduling template, its values are copied into this scheduling record. If you later edit the scheduling template, those changes are not applied to the current scheduling record.

  1. In the Async Administrator, select Setup and then select the Schedule tab.
  2. In the Schedule Templates section, click Create.
  3. On the Schedule Template form, specify this information:
    Schedule Template
    Specify a name for the schedule template
    Specify a description for the schedule template
  4. Specify the schedule rules for the template. The available fields provide numerous ways to define rules for specific dates (year, month, and day), for weeks (specific days within the week, specific weeks with the month, and specific weeks within the year), for times (hour and minute), and the schedule time zone.
  5. Test the schedule template by specifying a time in the Time field and then tabbing out of the field.
  6. Click Save.