Using Rich Text Assisted Authorship on text editing forms

The Infor Rich Text Assisted Authorship feature, which is based on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GEN AI), can be used to generate content in rich text editing fields.
Note: The feature must be enabled for users. Information about how administrators make this feature available is in security documentation. See Enabling Rich Text Assisted Authorship.

An example is the best way to describe how rich text assisted authorship works.

Suppose you are using the Jobs application and are tasked with updating an existing job description to add new responsibilities. The Rich Text Assisted Authorship feature can provide a draft of a new description, based on Key Points that you specify. Key Points are text phrases that should be included in the text to be generated.

The general steps to complete this example are outlined here.

  1. Locate and select the form that contains a rich text form requiring update. (The example uses the Position form, Summary tab.)
  2. Select the Generate with AI button (represented on the toolbar by an icon) on the text box toolbar.
    Location of Generate with AI icon
  3. On the Generate Text form, provide the Key Points for the updated description.
  4. Click Generate. The new description displays in Generated Text.
  5. If the generated text needs tweaking, use the text editing toolbar to make changes.
  6. When you are ready to begin using the updated description, click Append to add the generated text to the end of the original text.