Options for creating and updating report definitions

When you are in-progress with creating a new report definition, or, when you are updating an existing report definition, a set of tabs provides options for making data inclusion and viewing options. This section describes the options on the tabs.


Use the Column tab to:
  • Add or remove fields. To add, click the +Add button and select Add Field for a regular field or Add Compute for a calculation field. To remove a field, select it and click the trash can icon.
  • By default, the field label is the same as the field name. You change a field label. With the field selected, click Edit and specify the new name. Use the Show Label field to toggle between labels and field names.
  • Make a field updateable within the report. This means that report users can make changes in the report that are sent to the database. To do this, select the field. If the Updateable field is active (not grayed-out), the field can be made updateable. Click the box to enable the checkmark.
  • Add an alert. You can add an alert to, for example, show updates that you must know about as soon as they occur. For details, see Creating an alert for a report
  • Change sort order. Change the default sort order by adding a field to be used as the primary sort.


Use the Condition Builder Helper on the Filter tab to determine when a record should be included in the report.

Select from a list of defined conditions to build a filter. The Match All option adds AND between filter conditions. The Any option adds OR. Select the Literal field to require an exact match. Click OK when you are finished specifying options for the filter. It is now included in the report.

Click Build Another to create another filter for the report.


Use this table to change options for:
  • Sharing. Determine whether the reports can be viewed only by the creator, by anyone, or by specified groups. Select Private, Public, Group, Rule, or Role Group. If you select Group, Role, or Role Group, select the group or role from the list.
  • Print to PDF: Select orientation for the report when printed to PDF. Options are: Landscape (horizontal) or Portrait (vertical).
  • Font Offset: Select the number to represent how much smaller than the default the report font should be. You can select one of the pre-defined numbers or use Specify Font Offset to choose a number. (The default offset is "0.")
  • Page Size: Page size determines how many records are retrieved for a single view. Select one of the pre-defined numbers: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200.
  • Show Grid Lines: Report grid lines are off by default. Add them by selecting this option.
  • Suppress Header, Suppress Footer. Headers and footers are included by default. Suppress one or both of them using these options.
  • Report Categorization: By default, the selections for Category and Subcategory are determined by the business class. You can change them by selecting other available options from the list.


You can add sorting to a specific column.


You can total a specific column by adding a counting field and making selections for how counting works: Total (overall total), Running Total, or Percent of Total.

You can also add a Summary Total to make specifications about how the calculations should be performed. Options are: Maximum, Minimum, Average, Sum (default), and Count. You can change the label of the Summary Total field from the default of field name by clicking Explicit Label and providing the new name.

Data Source: Live or Audit Data

Select the source. Options are:
  • Use Live Data. For this option, select an As Of Date. The report displays data as it was on the specified date.
  • Use Audit Data.