Searching for and viewing reports

Locate a report definition through filtering

Report Management provides options for filtering the report definition list. You can filter by:
  • Type: Select the report type from the dropdown list.
  • Business View: This is the business class or business task.
  • Name: Name of the list or page.
  • Report Name
  • Description
  • Category
  • Subcategory
  • Folder Name: Typically, the ID of a user who created the report.
For all filters, except Type, which is selected through a list, you can perform partial searches using operators, for example, "Contains," "Does Not Contain," "Equals," and so on. When you have specified the filter, click the Search button that appears next to the Clear button directly above and to the right of the list of report definitions. (This is not the Search button on the toolbar.)

When the filtered list is displayed, you can use the Clear button to reset the filter.

Click Refresh from the toolbar to see an updated list.

Viewing details about a report definition or category

To view detailed information about a report definition or category, select the item from the list on the appropriate tab and double-click.

If you are required to deactivate a category, you can do so from the detail page for the category.