Assigning GEN Security Classes to Roles


Some security classes have specific conditions that restrict access to some actions. For more detailed information on each security class, review the security class code.

Templates for Security Class/Role Assignments

Use this key for the roles in the following table:

Role Abbreviation
SuperAdministrator SuAdm
SecurityAdministrator SecAdm
DataAreaSecurityAdministrator DASecAdm
JobQueueServer JQ
SystemAdministrator SysAdm
DataAreaAdministrator DAAdm
ApplicationUser AU

There are no specific rules regarding the assignment of security classes to roles; you can assign any class to any role you create. However, the following assignments are samples of starting points for your security implementation.

SuAdm SecAdm DASecAdm JQ SysAdm DAAdm AU
ActorAdminAccess X
AgentMgmtAccess X
AllGenAccess X X
AuthorAdminAccess X
BasicProductLineAccess X X X
DataAreaAdminAccess X
DataAreaAuthorAdminAccess X
DataImportAccess X
JobQueueAccess X
ProductLineAccess X X
ServiceAdminAccess X

Assigning Roles to Actors

After creating roles, those roles must be assigned to actors.