User Permissions

Use this report to send a secure report through FTP.

  1. As a user with access to the security administration menu, navigate to Administration Console > Security > Security Reports and select the User Permissions report.
  2. Make this configuration on the Security Class to FTP page:.
    • Subdirectory: For the work directory, specify the location on your FTP server where the file should be sent.
    • Command Output File Name: Retain the default setting for this field unless you have been instructed to change it.
    • Zip File Name: Specify the name of the zip file to be sent to your system. This file must be in format.
    • Filter By: This field selects the data to be included in the zip file.
      • Select User, Role or Security Class. Only one option can be selected.
      • Run for Single Security Class. If you select this option, specify the name of the class in the text box.
      • Run for Securable Object Type: If you select this option, select the securable object.
      • Run for Securable Object Name: If you select this option, specify the name of securable object.
  3. Click Submit or, if you want to schedule the report to be run at a specific time, click Schedule. Selecting Schedule invokes the background scheduling options. For more information about configuring a schedule, search for "Scheduling Background Actions."
  4. When the report completes, you can right-click to perform Options menu tasks, including exporting the list to either CSV or PDF format. For more information about exporting and printing, see Printing and scheduling options.