Actor Role History Audit

Use this report to verify changes made to a user record.

Data that can be checked includes:
  • Date change occurred
  • Actor name
  • Role name
  • Actor Status: Active or Disabled.
  • Who performed he change
  • Action performed: For example, Create, Update, Delete.
  • Action Type: If different from the Action, it can mean that a process, for example, BOD processing, or a the Create User Wizard, performed the change.
  • Business class that was changed.
  1. As a user with access to the security administration menu, navigate to Administration Console > Security > Security Reports and select the Actor Role History Audit report.
  2. Make a selection for one of the search options on the top half of the page and, if required, click Apply.
  3. Optionally, select the Print to PDF button to export a print file.