Using the Condition Builder window

Use this procedure to create conditional statements for security rules.

Note: At the time of this publication, you must use Infor Rich Client or Web UI to access the Security Administration menu system that contains the Condition Builder.

You cannot create conditional rules for all types of securable objects. To be able to write a conditional rule, there must be appropriate values to test against. For example, when evaluating a condition, the system knows the current actor and that actor's associated data, including name and role. The system also knows the data the user or actor is attempting to access. Thus, you can set up conditions that compare the current actor data with the current form data in order to determine if the actor or user should have access.

To create a conditional security rule with the Condition Builder

  1. When creating a new security rule or modifying an existing one, click the Build Condition near the When field.

    The Condition Builder window appears:

    Screen capture: Condition Builder window
  2. For the Match field, select whether the condition is to match All or Any of the conditional rules that are defined.
  3. To create each condition, select objects from the two drop-down lists, and select whether the comparison between the two should be "is like," "is equal to," or "is not equal to"
  4. If you want to create an additional condition, click the plus button. If you need to delete a condition, click the minus button on the condition's row.
  5. When done defining conditions, click OK.