What Are the GEN Product Line Roles?
Security classes need to be assigned to roles in order for users to be able to access Landmark components. The following table is a list of the suggested roles that you might consider for the GEN product line. Some of these roles are created during Landmark installation.
Role | Suggested Use |
SuperAdministrator | Designed to be mapped to an actor who manages all business objects and business task objects in the GEN product line. |
SecurityAdministrator |
Added during the installation process. This role is designed to be mapped to an actor who administers Landmark security from a whole system perspective. Default roles also include the option of creating a security administrator for each data area. The installation process assigns the SecurityAdministrator role to
the current user. Infor recommends that the When configured by the Landmark installation process, this role has complete access to the GEN product line. The installation process maps the AllGenAccess and ProductLineAccess classes to this role. |
DataAreaSecurityAdministrator | Designed to be mapped to an actor who administers Landmark security for a single data area. Default roles also include the option of creating a security administrator for the entire system. |
JobQueueServer |
Added during installation. Designed to be mapped to the system account that runs the Job Queue server, and as a backup, to an administrator role or identity as well. |
LsuerappAccess |
Added during installation. Designed to be mapped to users who need access to the lsuserapp web application, such as for resetting passwords. |
SystemAdministrator | Designed to be mapped to an actor who manages Landmark services and related objects. |
DataAreaAdministrator | Designed to be mapped to an actor who manages a data area. |
ApplicationUser | Designed to be mapped to any application user, to allow access to product lines and basic GEN services. |