Listing configuration and personalization manifests

Use this procedure to list the contents of an import file for configurations and personalizations in a manifest file.

  1. Select Administration Console > Configuration and Personalization > List Configuration and Personalization Manifest or Configuration Console > Utilities > List Configuration and Personalization Manifest.
  2. Specify this information:
    To list the configurations and personalizations in a subdirectory of the FTP site directory, specify that directory.
    Command Output File Name
    Specify a name and extension for the command output file. For example, CdImportListOut.txt.
    Create User Report
    To create a user report, select this check box.
    Source Zip File Name
    Specify the name of the ZIP file with the configuration and personalization source to list.
  3. Click Schedule to schedule the action for another time or click Submit to immediately list the configurations and personalizations.