Notification settings for an action

Use the Notification tab to make selections for when and whom to notify about the status of an action.

Specify this information:

Scheduled Action Name
A name for the schedule entry.
Notification Type
The notification type to determine when to send an e-mail: Never, On Failure, Always or Action Group.

When set to Always or On Failure (send only if there is a failure), it creates a user notification to the submitting actor. It also sends an e-mail to any address entered in the optional Email Address field.

Action Group is a special notification type for actions that invoke other actions. It means a success notification is sent when the entire group is done. If any action group member fails, a failure notification is sent. If an action is invoked in the background outside the action group, that action inherits this notification type but starts its own, separate group.

If you have the administrator email configuration parameter defined (config -, that address receives failure emails regardless of the above setting.

Email Address (Optional)
Specify the email address of the person, for example, the system administrator, who should be notified about the status of the run. The email contains the data area name, the request ID, and the trigger ID, which enable you to identify a specific action execution. It contains information on actor name, queue name, request name, and the create time of both the request and trigger. You can enter multiple emails, separated by commas.
Threshold Minutes
The time in minutes that can elapse for the processing of an action group before an email notification is sent. Multiple notifications are sent if the processing of the action group repeatedly exceeds the threshold before finishing. If the action group fails and is re-queued, then the start time for the duration is reset to the time that processing restarted.
Execution Duration Notification - Email Address
Specify the email address of the person who should receive an email if the processing of the action group exceeds the duration specified in the Threshold Minutes field. (An action group can contain a single action or it can contain an invoking action plus the invoked actions). You can also enter multiple emails, separated by commas.

When you have finished configuring options on the Notification tab, select Ok.