Types of queues

A Landmark Environment contains several delivered queues and you can create additional queues as well. The delivered queues have specific defined functions whereas the queues that you create are additional queues for background processing. Some Landmark applications, but not all, include menu options and forms for dealing with the delivered queues. A system will typically have the following types of queues:

  • Default queue

    Default queues are for the background processing of actions or tasks that do not get assigned via queue mapping to any of the additional queues that you have created. A default queue for a data area is created the first time that it is needed.

    Note: In previous releases, there was only one default queue for all data areas. Whether your system uses only one default queue or creates default queues for each data area is controlled by a configuration parameter named default.queue.by.data.area (in the async category) . Note also that if you are moving from a system with a single default queue to one with default queues for each data area, new queues will have a default Max Active Actions value of the existing default queue. For new installations, the initial value of this is 4. For more information, see Runtime parameters in the ConfigurationParameter table.
  • E-mail queues

    The E-mail queues process e-mails for the Landmark applications.

  • Queues for Infor Process Automation

    A queue named ipaDefaultWorkUnitDispatchQueue is automatically created when the first work unit is triggered in Infor Process Automation. You can also create additional queues for processing work units. An important feature of the ipaDefaultWorkUnitDispatchQueue queue and the additional queues you create for work unit processing is that you can set up queue mappings that set priorities for the processing based on actor, data area, and process values. This enables you to ensure that work units that need to be processed quickly are not prevented from being processed by a large number of less important work units.

    Note: A queue that is set up for work unit processing can also be used for processing async actions. In this case, the setting for the Max Active Actions/Work Units field will not be shared between the two types of processing. For example, a setting of "2" will result in up to two async actions and two work units being processed concurrently (a total of four actions).
  • Additional queues for background processing

    Each Landmark application includes queues for background processing, and you can create additional queues for the background processing of actions or tasks. See the user guide for your Landmark application for any suggested or recommended additional queues.