Data Refresh Details

For multi-tenant CloudSuite clients, the basic purpose of a data refresh is to copy the data from one Landmark environment (the source) to another Landmark environment (the target) in order to create or maintain an environment that is nearly identical to the source environment. The target environment is then typically used for testing or development.

Because of the goal of a nearly identical target tenant, the following apply:

  • A data refresh for Landmark is for all of the Landmark applications that you have. That is, you cannot perform the refresh for one application but not another.
  • The Landmark Technology versions and the Landmark application versions must be the same on both the source and target, and the security keys of the source and target tenants must match.
  • To avoid potential issues, the configurable features must be set the same on both the source and target tenants.
  • If you have Inventory Intelligence configured on the source tenant, you must also have it configured on the target tenant.
  • To ensure no issues with user access after the data refresh, you must ensure that the actor IDs match precisely between the source and target tenants, and custom security roles are in sync between the source and target tenants.
  • In general, with only a few exceptions, you should think of a data refresh as achieving a replacement of the target tenant with the source tenant.

Given that there are a few exceptions to the target being completely replaced during a data refresh, it is important to understand what data is copied during a data refresh and what data is not copied. You can then employ the correct strategy to deal with both the case where data is not copied from the source to the target and the case where data is copied over the target data but you may want to retain the target data.

For certain business classes, if data exists in them in the target tenant, that data is purged. For details on which business classes are purged, see Viewing a list of business classes excluded from or purged during data copy process.

For data that is not copied from the source to the target, data being overwritten is not a concern. However, this means that you must maintain that data separately in the target environment. For example, entries in the ConfigurationParameter table are not copied during a data refresh. This is because those entries often contain URLs specific to that environment. This means that the ConfigurationParameter table in each data area in the target must be set up independently (nothing is copied from source data areas for them). For example, if you use Vertex or Infor Document Management (IDM), those products rely on configuration parameters. Those parameters must thus be set up in the target data areas for those products to function. The parameters will be retained on subsequent data refreshes.

When data is overwritten in the target, if you need to preserve the target data, you must make a backup of that data and reload it after the refresh. For example, since configurations and personalizations are overwritten, if you want to retain those in the target, you must create a backup and then reload them after the refresh. You should work with the appropriate support personnel to identify what target data should be saved off before the refresh and then restored after the refresh based on your business needs for the target tenant environment.

During the data refresh the target tenant is deactivated and, optionally, user access to the source tenant can be restricted. Async processing should be suspended in the target tenant before the data refresh to prevent queued jobs from starting before the data refresh is done.

For information about performing a data refresh, see the CloudSuite Self-Service Portal User Guide. For more information about the steps that need to be performed before and after the data refresh, see the Data Copy section of the Multi-tenant administration guide in the integration documentation library for your CloudSuite.

Data that is copied

Described below are the types of data that are copied as part of a tenant data refresh.

Type Description
Landmark application data Landmark application data is copied, including work files, report files, and audit snapshot business classes (those whose names begin with "S_").
Application-specific data in environment data area Any application-specific data that is stored in the environment data area (rather than in the application's own data area) is copied.
Personalizations and configurations The data is copied for any personalizations and any modifications made through the Configuration Console.
User-defined fields and classes The data for any user-defined fields and classes is copied.
Some environment business classes The data for a subset of the environment business classes is copied (mainly those related to action results, Async action requests, actors, and role/security classes).

Data that is not copied

Described below are the types of data that are not copied in a tenant data refresh.

Type Description
Most Infor Process Automation business classes Most business classes related to Infor Process Automation are not copied. Among this excluded data are PFI configuration sets. If you have set up new ones in the source data area beyond those delivered during provisioning, they must be added independently to the target data area
System-specific data Business classes that contain data specific to the system that Landmark is set up on are not copied. For example, the ConfigurationTable and SSODomain business classes are excluded because some of their data refers to URLs specific to the system. Also, session debug classes and many security-related classes (such as AccountLockoutPolicy, PasswordPolicy, SecurityAnswer, SecurityQuestion, and Service) are excluded. For a list of these classes, see Viewing a list of business classes excluded from or purged during data copy process.
Security keys Security keys are not copied but are compared as part of the process to ensure that they match between the source and target tenant
Files in "is view" database spaces Files that are "is view" database spaces are not copied. For example, Infor CloudSuite Financials and Supply Management can view some data in Infor Global HR and Talent Management, but that data is not copied as part of the copying of Infor CloudSuite Financials and Supply Management
Source data area names Data area names from the source tenant do not replace target data area names. Any records that contain data area names from the source tenant are modified after the refresh so that they contain the corresponding target data area names.
Infor Ming.le and OS Portal data Infor Ming.le and OS Portal data is not refreshed.
Flow definitions Flow definitions for Infor Process Automation are not copied. Any existing flow definitions can be moved to the target data area using dbimport/dbexport. Also, if you have developed any flow definitions independently in the target data area and want to retain them, back them up before the refresh. They can then be reloaded later.